Ball Python diet

Hello guys. I looking for a documents or research about the ball python diet. Please someone can share something about this argument?


What argument are you talking about? Type of prey, size of prey, frequency of feeding, etc?


Very important distinction :upside_down_face:


Correct me if im wrong, but reading their post, it doesnt appear as though English is their primary language, and it appears they ran their post through a translator.

I do not believe they are looking for an arguement the way it means in english, but more of a claim or thesis, or in very simple terms, a basic care guide.

To this, I can say that rats will be their primary diet, and not to go over the thickest part of the snake in size. For young snakes, 1 time a week is good, watch their weight and growth, adjust accordingly if they start getting fat. As they age they will need bigger prey less often. If you use their body shape as a guide and adjust your feeding to keep them in the ideal shape, it should all work out.

As for any kind of literature on this, im sure it exists, but ive found the best info to be what comes from those caring for hundreds of animals, so if anyone has seen a guide of such on the forums, a link here would be awesome!

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I saw some videos about the ball python and some different diet… Not only rats or mice but also birds. I just looking for something about it😁

Some people feed quail, but I thinks that’s just when they’re really fussy?…

I myself feed frozen/thawed rats only. But some royals I brought recently were also on ASF :grin:
And previously had one who was on mice, rats and ASF and wasn’t fussy.

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I find it’s best to stick to rodents. Bps can be notoriously picky and if you start a prey item that is harder to get or not as good nutrition wise it may be hard to switch back.

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The most common food source is common Norwegian rats up to a “medium” size (100 to 150g range) for adults.

Picky feeders will often take their native prey, African soft fur rats, over common Norwegian rats. Some people choose to feed ASF’s exclusively but this can be an issue because the snake often gets used to taking only ASF’s and they wont always convert to standard rats. This can be problematic if it is sold to someone without access to ASFs. They’re even illegal without a license in Georgia for example.

A 3rd common prey item is mice. They’re often easier to find than ASF’s and picky eaters will often take them over Norwegian rats. This is especially true with hatchlings who have not yet taken their first meal. You’ll find some ball pythons advertised as “mousers” because they will consistently refuse rats and take mice instead.

Hope this helps!


Agreed, words can be misconstrued, lets not jump to conclusion. I agree here 'argument ’ means debate.

I gues sthey would eat what evers available. I have seen studies that say more birds when they are young and more aroble because they are lighter when young.
However, chicks have little nutrition and risk salmonella.
I only used chichs after trying everything else for a snake that didn’t feed from getting it for 9 months.
It got her started then i switched her to rats.
Personally I like to mix rats up with african soft fered rats, they are even more nutritious.
Also african soft fered rats are what they would come across in the wild.

I don’t think anyone was using their word as that, just wanted to know what they were asking about.

The english language is a heck of a drug xD when steelserpent asked which argument he meant, i figured that they thought the OP was talking about a debate in the community, rather than a guide haha. Why is the internet so bad with context? New idea. Push to talk forums. Trademark that xD


Absolutely. I wasn’t implying they were looking for an argument… it was the word they used. I simply wanted to know what information they were looking for.


Fair enough!

I thought they wanted to know some information not a debate or an argument :joy:. OK I took it that they wanted some paper evidence ie care guides and such :rofl:

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we are all so nice :slight_smile: