Ball python help

Hi live in southeast Wisconsin and am finally starting my dream. I’m breeding b.p. for the first time and eggs should hatch around early October, I have 3 b.p. I rescued and of course the babies that are coming.
I was hoping that there was someone in my area who would teach me how to pop or probe will pay


Hey @jwdelac85

The best way I can think of to find someone local to you, is to use the local tab on MorphMarket to see what stores pop up near you, and reach out to one of them. If no stores pop up, then I’d go to FB and search for your local reptile group, and ask in there.

Good luck!


Hello there @jwdelac85! Good luck with your project and remember we all here love baby pictures!

Best wishes to you, momma and babies! :pray::blush:


Hello I’ve never breeded before and i was just wondering what type of ball python would be good to breed with my male pinstripe

Hello and welcome to the community!

Before considering breeding it’s really important to understand right now that there’s an overabundence of ball pythons, with far more being produced than the market can really support. This means that even established breeders with desirable morphs and known repuations are having difficulty finding homes for snakes. Given that pinstripe is a very common single low value morph, I’d reccomend not breeding him and keeping him back as a nice pet. What you put into a breeding project is what you get out.

In addition, before breeding is considered it’s important to be knowledgable about the various morphs, breeding and ball pythons in general. You should be able to identify which combos go well together and the results of a cross, which will and won’t sell and how to indentify them alone and in combinations. If you’re here asking what to breeding to a pinstripe, to me that would suggest to maybe take a step back from the idea of breeding and brush up on ball pythons morphs and the ball python market right now.


@snak3daddy I agree with @chesterhf. If you go to the sales section of MM and check out the number of ball pythons for sale you will see that there are 40 thousand plus for sale. Unless you have perspective buyers/or perspective adopters lined up, you may end up with a lot of animals you will be responsible for housing and feeding. Also if you have a baby or two that refuses to eat, you will be responsible for assist feeding to get them started.

Tbh, as @chesterhf said, you are much better off keeping your bp as a pet and not a breeder animal. If you still want to breed a snake you should look into other types that are more sales lucrative than bps. However you will still be responsible for any and all unsold babies….

Best of luck to you and your decisions! :blush:

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Thank you so much ill keep that in mind and do more research about the morphs. And when would be a good time to start breeding

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Also if you could tell me the snakes that you have breeded that came out to be a cool combo. That would be helpful.

Market wise? I think it’s going to be rough for quite a while, and I’m kinda thinking we’ve reached a tipping point where there’s just simply too many people breeding and too many animals. I’d consider if you really need to breed ball pythons

However, if you feel that you do, I’d set some personal benchmarks:

  • Be familiar with morphs and combos, and have an idea in mind for what type of project you want to pursue. Make a plan first, buy animals second - don’t breed animals just because you have them. Start with a few high quality animals with known genetics

  • Have a good understanding of genetics and how the traits are passed on and expressed. Know how to identify any and all of the traits you plan to work with alone and in combination with each other. Know which morphs and combos are prone to lethality and defects.

  • Have enough experience with ball pythons that you know how to appropriately and reliably deal with any problems that arise, ranging from snakes not eating to diagnosing and treating common health problems.

  • Figure out what is going to set you a apart from all the other breeders. Why would someone buy your animals vs the hundreds of established breeders who are already well known and producing quality animals?

  • Be prepared to keep any and all animals that don’t sell for as long as necessary.

  • Know how to sex your own animals accurately

etc and so forth


Also @jwdelac85 in addition to what @chesterhf has addressed, you HAVE to establish contact with a reputable reptile vet in case any of your animals need medical attention. If you are going to bring new life into the world you need to be medically prepared.

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And again thank you im still new and dont know as much as you guys probably do so ill use the awesome info that you both have given me. And i realy appreciate your time that you guys have used to help me with all of my questions you have the answers to.


No problem! Since you’re new to ball pythons just take a step back and enjoy being a ball python owner for a while. They’re amazing creatures ,and even after 11 years I’m always discovering new things


That’s what this family is all about, helping and supporting each other while learning as we go. I am only a keeper but I was an “accidental” boa breeder one time and all of a sudden I had 11 little boa babies to feed and care for and find homes for. Even though they were not bps, the responsibility was still the same and it’s not easy.

Of there are many experienced others here who will answer your questions regarding whatever you decide to do so don’t hesitate to keep the questions coming! This truly is a wonderful place to be! :blush: