Ball python morph identification and other opinions

I rescued this girly(I was told it’s a girl) yesterday from someone who said their roommate had moved out unexpectedly and abandoned her. She seems healthy overall but is a bit skiddish, I think she’s just a regular banana ball python(any different ideas let me know). was told she had not eaten in well over a month so after I let her get situated in her enclosure I brought her out to see if she would attempt to eat, which she did almost immediately. Just wanting to get opinions from others on what morph she is and if there’s anything I should watch out for health wise.


She’s such a beautiful snake! Morph wise, I would guess that you’re correct and that she’s a regular banana ball python :snake: :heart:


The thing is to me she looks a little light for being just banana, though there are lighter and darker Bananas. She almost looks like a Banana Pastel to me.


I’d also lean towards maybe being banana and maybe a lightening gene. Pastel is a possibility or maybe fire.

There’s a lot of misconception about needing to take BPs out of the enclosure to feed them. You should be able to try feeding them in the enclosure with no issues. It isn’t going to make them harder to handle and they’re usually shy ambush predators by nature so sometimes taking them out of the ‘safe place’ can make them miss meals as well.

That said… If it works and they’re eating, hey awesome. I hope she settles in well and eats regularly for you!