Ball python unfamiliar marks

Some strange markings and a spot with pretty flimsy scales, first time I’ve seen them on her, she’s eating normal and nothing abnormal about her poops.

Gonna wait a bit to see if the pinkish spots on the spine were from the way she was sitting on my chair, but the 1 blackish scale and flimsy scales have been around for at least a few days

The last picture looks like a crease across half the snake in the middle of scales in the shaded area. That looks like physical damage by being pressed to hard against something. I bought a white snake with a similar line through some scales. The seller said she had got squashed between the hide and top of the tub. It cleared up with a shed or 2.
The pink looks like a bit like damage to the scales from a substance or infection to me. except that its restricted to individual scales and on top.
Just a suggestion and observation, others will have a better idea.

It would probably help them if you gave us a bit f information like what she is kept in, what substrate, is it wet, what are the numbers.


Its quite common with white snakes. They show up any blemishes or bruises. Should clear up in no time. Happens alot with my white snake when she squashes into places.


the pink spots on the spine did end up being from the way she was laying in my chair, they cleared up after an hour or 2. Might be time for a bigger cave if she’s squishing herself

I’m glad it was just that. Lovely snake and a nice size, what morph is it.

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As far as morph goes it looks like a bel or a ivory

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Super Mojave “bel”


Nice, I have a Super Lesser. If my pairings work out I might get a Super Mojave too.