Bamboo Hatchling ID

Yeah, my boy has white blotches up the lower third of his tail & so do his babies…

Thats just a few of them


Those are ringers my guess from the black pastel the male has. I have a black pastel champagne male that throws ringers every clutch as well.


But I also get orange ringers lol. How many ringers can a gene throw out?

Is that on snakes with out champagne present?

There is always orange around any ringer yes I’ve got non champagnes with ringers with him as well


Those babies have black outline around the white, the orange on the tail is from Calico, OD, and YB being present

You can see the orange here just hatched this guy.


Yeah he’s awesome :relaxed: but how about without champagne?

You will always see the orange where a ringer forms if it’s really small you can see it on the belly.
I have a black pastel hatchling with a tiny ringer at home I can get a picture of it you can see the orange by his belly.

As you can see in the pics, they all have 3 white patches with black outline (same as dad)

If you notice the orange is only around the ringer if the genes was causing it you would see it all through out the snake which you do not there is zero orange on the front of any of those judging by the picture.

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There’s orange throughout the whole snake but there’s alot of genes in there.

Just tried to get pic, it’s harder to see because lights bad.

O it’s genetic.


There all nice for sure but those are ringers on the first set of pictures. And ringers cause orange around them. And without a doubt your male throws them at a high rate.

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Yeah, but what I mean is the orange does run through all snake, but with lesser & pastel present it washes it out more and it’s more prominent on the ringer parts. But I have 6 snakes that all have the exact same 3 ringers. No way anyone telling me that’s not genetic.

Those babies are from the same clutch at the bottom

Not genetic in the sense of incomplete dominant, dominant, or recessive. But yes your male throws them at a higher rate.


Do you have pictures of the rest of the ones with ringers?

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Yeah for sure. If it was just a single ringer I’d be like yeah whatever but to have the same 3 white patches on 6 different babies from different mums as well. Says that whatever that ringer/paradox is, is genetically passed down

Let me see. I didn’t hold them all back as some were boys.

So the top girl (who is bigger is from last year) 1 was from this year paired to Enchi & the other 1 is from the bamboo clutch.

Let me see what else I got

I’ll have to go digging for pics.

But found 1 more from previous clutch and 1 from the bamboo clutch with some small paradoxing black bits.

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