Bamboo Mojave or more?

Hey all, just got a snake im hoping you all can help me with. It will likely be all guessing as there isnt much to go off of since the owner didnt know parantage.

Anyways, the information I do know, it is a bamboo mojave BEL with paradoxing. What I want to know, the big splotch of paradoxing on the back looks normal in color, but the pattern appears to be very spotty like a pewter. Do you guys think it is a simple 2 gene bamboo mojave, or does the weird patterning mean the BEL is likely covering up some pattern genes?

Sorry I dont have a belly pic to share, but if it helps, the belly is white haha. I use this picture with permission from the seller.

On a side note, i snagged another that was more impulse buy than anything, but i cant wait to show you guys. Once i have permission to use the pic, you guys will know exactly why i pulled the trigger immediately.


Wild effect with the position of the paradox!

Can’t say the color matches bamboo, not like mine anyway, so does that mean it comes from the mojave side?
Is that how it works? Or is it that in those areas the leucistic genes aren’t expressing at all?
Might just be showing you wild type (normal).
Tag @t_h_wyman he will likely know, and he’s really good at IDs.


I’m pretty sure that paradox “bleeds” through one of the morphs. For example, a paradox albino might show WT markings since it’s het for WT. So I think that the paradox markings are of the mojave.

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My guess would be the bamboo is whats missing in the paradox spots, but the weird pattern is what has me confused as that type of pattern isnt normal to bamboo, normal, or mojave. I can see it when cinnamon or black pastel mix with things, but as you said, the color looks normal. It has me a bit baffled haha

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Well, does it work like that, though? Is the paradox area just kinda like an eraser just removed a gene influence in an area and everything else is the same? Or might the pattern be messed up in that area as well.

That one big spot almost looks like what I would expect on a really high white pied. Makes you wonder if pied is really just extreme paradoxing… even though we know it’s genetic, the expession is unpredictable.

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Fair, i am no expert in paradoxing, so i cant really say much but guesses, thats why i figured it would be a good question for the community, see some guesses, and when i eventually breed her (my plan is to a clown male so any pattern genes show up without heavy influence on the mojave and bamboo babies) share the results and see if any of us were right :slight_smile:

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Plus have a clutch of het clowns :grin: :wink:

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Exactly! Haha

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Absent knowing the pairing, I would say the most likely explanation is that this is a chimera-type paradox and your coloured areas are the result of exogenous WT cells. The altered patterning in the back marks is because of the broader disruption of proper cell-level developmental signaling that determines patterning (think overlapping radio signals when you are not perfectly tuned into a station on an old analog system)


Hmmm, i suppose the BEL would definitely hide alot of information such as if anywhere that isnt paradoxed shares the disrupted pattern. So the paradoxing could be more than is shown for all I know and thats why the pattern is so fizzled.

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Permission to use the other pictures obtained. Will post in the impulse buying topic as well, but I sniped this lad as soon as he was posted for 1.5k, super excited!



Oh my, that’s fascinating!:eyes::+1::+1:


They’re both beautiful. What are the male’s genetics?

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So far as I know, albino and nothing else, the gonads are part of the albino section of the animal, so the normal (or I imagine het albino) sections dont affect that.

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He’s gorgeous! Thanks for that. I’m an old hand with my beloved corn snakes, but very much still in the learning phase with all of the ball pythons morphs.

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So its morph is half albino, half het/normal. By the split from the center of the head, my guess is its a chimera, which essentially means 2 embryos fused together to form 1 snake. 1 was homozygous albino, the other was not. Thats why it looks like a mishmash of parts, because technically, I think it is xD

Seems reasonable. Also, it seems that chimerism occurs much more frequently in snakes than I’d ever have thought!

Somewhat. It is excedingly rare for a clean split, but it seems some paradoxing may be chimera drive , but does happen. Usually a chimera with a head stamp as cleanly split as the one i just for would go for like 4k minimum, and its much more likely to dee them up for 8-15k because it is not at all common. But it does happen, and alot of times it may be hidden if the genetics fused together blend in with eachother.

Very interesting indeed. And hey, wow, what a great addition and a great buy for you!

Ill believe it when i receive it haha, but the seller had 80 reviews, all positive, so im pretty confident it wont fall through :slight_smile: