Banana Albino vs. Candino

Hello, I was going to breed a Male Banana Albino to a Female Candino. My question is, how similar they look to each other, is there any way to easily distinguish which ofspring are which seeing as how that combo could net me albino, candino, banana albino, and banana candino? Thanks for any help.

You would not get candino from that pairing they would be hets. You would get bananas that are het candy and het albino though. Banana is t+ albino, candy and albino are t-.

Guess the morph calculator is wrong then, its saying 25% of each outcome, thank you though.

A Candino is het albino + het candy… so they should have a 1 in 4 chance of hitting a Banana Candino.
The albino gene is always going to get passed on here, whether visual or het, it’s just hoping for the candy to also pass.

I can’t find any Banana Candinos on MorphMarket in the past though.

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Oh I miss understood so it’s an actual banana and albino. Thomas’s is correct I apologize!


We will let you off this once Shaun… any more and it’s back to the chokey!

pam ferris matilda GIF


Banana/coral glow is t+ albino for clarification.

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Id just be curios as to how hard they would all be to tell apart as the banana/albino and candino already look pretty darn similar to me (untrained eye)

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Honestly I think you would end up with Candino looking animals.
I’d have no idea until I saw one though, which I’d be extremely interested in.

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Banana is just a dirty Candino in my opinion.


Actually, Candy is a T+ type :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Both combos will hatch out looking like Albinos. The Albino Bananas will remain looking like Albinos though the yellow tends to be slightly washed out on them. The Candino Bananas will eventually develop a very very very very faint pigment. Probably take a year or more before it became readily apparent


Dirty dirty candino lol.

I knew I was in trouble when I seen quotation @t_h_wyman lol. The whole question got me turned around.


That actually made me chuckle a bit…Beavis and Butthead style…