Hey, i just wanted opinions on these banana clowns that i produced. As they are getting older and the colours come through more i can see a clear difference in a couple of them.
In the photo the female is on the left and the male on the right.
Do you think one could be a super banana clown or do they just have a difference in patterns and colours?
They were produced from a banana clown male x banana het clown female.
Orignally i thought that they were both banana clowns.
It was only more recently that i noticed the female getting the white along the dorsal stripe that made me question whether she was a super banana. And the difference in the colour between them.
They are both amazing and I’m so glad that i produced them. Definitely both hold backs
I don’t think you have super bananas.
For my limited knowledge, This Is what I would expect for a super bananas to look like:-
it should not have spots or very few, like one or two. and should be lighter, like a pastel or super pastel.
But hey are all different so no guarantee
here is my super banana as a 200g,
Even though a bit darker now at 1 kg (I need a newer picture) still only one spot.
As for Clown, I am not so sure and even less experienced. , but would put y money on the second picture as also clown.
Would defo say bananas and not supers.
Just bright! My boy is still bright now and over 2, A lot of people think he has something else in him but just a banana
Continuing the discussion from [Banana clown or super banana clown?]
I don’t think you have super bananas.
For my limited knowledge, This Is what I would expect for a super bananas to look like:-
it should not have spots or very few, like one or two. and should be lighter, like a pastel or super pastel.
But hey are all different so no guarantee
here is my super banana as a 200g,
Even though a bit darker now at 1 kg (I need a newer picture) still only one spot.
As for Clown, I am not so sure and just a guess as I am even less experienced. with clown , but would put my money on the second snake to the right in you picture as also clown. the other poss het clown