Bearded dragon love

I’ve only had him/her for a few days but I’ve noticed how incredibly docile these creatures are and it amazes me! Here are some pictures of my little one, which still needs a name if you wanna help.

Is it normal for them to just close their eyes while you’re holding them? He/she does it a lot while I pet his/her head. Lol


They are likely the most docile reptiles that don’t have a carapace… Our beardie will cling to your shirt like it’s jewelry. You could clean the house and Flokei would just hang on tight. You’ve chosen a wonderful pet!


Awhhh, I’m so happy with my decision!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Nice lil cutie you have there. I think naming might be a bit easier once you know if its ♂/♀. Give it some love for me.


I sure will! I’ll update once I know the gender🙂


Reminds me of a beardie I once saw at a mini expo of sorts. It seemed to want me to take it home and be its chosen human. As I spoke with the guy running the stall it kept trying to get my attention and wouldn’t take any interest of any of the other humans around even the ones who took interest in it.

But I want my 1st ever reptile to be an uromastyx (prob one of the only ppl on here that doesn’t have a herp).

For a name are you willing to consider regular human names as options?


Maybe a beardie for your boy? Look at that chub! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I vote Chunk, From the Goonies :sweat_smile:
Can be a girl of a boy name too. And I mean, it’s a chunky bubba! :slight_smile: Or Chubs.

What’s a fav movie of yours? Or show? Maybe a name from that?

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I am, yes!

Chunk/chubs is so cute!:yum: I don’t really watch tv/movies so that’s a hard one.

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What I didn’t know at first was that there are a few different species of beardies kept as pets but the one kept most often is the Pogona vitticeps aka the Central bearded dragon. Pogona is in the fam Agamidae along with Uromastyx, Chinese and Australian water dragons and the frilled lizard to name a few.


Blaze, Lemon, Pyrite, Groudon, Sandy, Dune, Mac, Fanta?


Yup they do the whole closing their eye’s thing (mine does it occasionally). I’ve read different reasons for it…Some say its them showing they like getting pet but I’ve also read its them pretty much saying ‘Let me close my eyes and maybe they’ll leave me alone’ especially if petting the top of the head which some say they are not fans of. I pet mine along the side of the mouth and under the neck (the beard) or maybe a few gentle pats on the back. They are super sweet but just because they tolerate handling well it still does not mean they love getting constantly petted.


What’s the easiest way to sex these guys?

Also… is it normal for these guys to kinda have a random spurt of energy and wanna run all over their tank like little crazies? Lol (especially when ready to eat)

Yea they can get a bit excited at times…Especially at feeding time. Mine gives me this big eyed look when he see’s hornworms and gets all worked up LoL. He sometimes gets his run on (excercise) from one side of tank to another but usually he’s just lazy and likes to sleep or bask.

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