So we just upgraded our bearded dragon to a 4x2x2 enclosure from the 40 gallon he was in when we rescued him about 4 months ago. It just turned cold outside here in Kentucky, and the cool side of his new enclosure is cooler than his old enclosure. He has been sitting on the cool side and not eating much for the last several days. Its about 74 on the cool side and a little over 80 on the warm side ambient. Surface temp on his basking spot is around 110. He has really laid off the greens but is still enthusiastically eating his dubias. We recently (last month) did blood work and a stool sample since we was a rescue and everything checked out. Just trying to make sure we are covering all the bases. Thanks!
My boy is hibernating as well. If that’s what your guy wants to do the let him. You can offer him food and water once and keep tabs on his weight. Otherwise just leave him be……
@caron Yep I think he might just be getting ready for brumation.
A little over 80 on the hot side seems a little low for a beardie but I’m still doing my research on them, I’ve been told and read that you’ll want their hot end to be in the 90-95°F range. The basking spot is good though.
Btw the background looks really cool! I’ve been researching and finding information on Beardies for my husband because we are considering getting one so he can have a companion and I’ve been thinking about doing something similar. What did you do to make it?
The background is foam board and expanding spray foam. Then painted with dry lock that has terra cotta coloring added.
Any thoughts on whether to continue offering dubias while he is in brumation? We are pretty sure still thats whats going on. He is spending all his time in his cave and seems sleepy but otherwise fine
Unless someone else chimes in, I don’t think I would bother him. Several days ago I offered Obie some super worms and he ate a few but he really wasn’t very interested.
My thought is concerning digestion while they are sleeping. That’s why I have decided not to wake up Obie to feed him for that reason. But I am keeping track of his weight. So far he’s only lost about 4 grams and he is going into his second month now….