Hi everyone, I am new to this site and looking for help. In October I found a Beardie on marketplace that was being given away. He was approx 12months at that time. He shed at beginning of December and acted like he was going into brumation for about a week then back to normal Yesterday I noticed his right forearm is turning whitish grey. Also a very small spot on left side of head is whitish grey. I am including a couple pictures.
Thank you in advance.
Oh he has a vet appt Jan 14
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Don’t worry, he’s just about to shed the skin on that arm.
Older beardies shed in pieces lots of the time.
Hi he finished shedding beginning of December. Can the same area shed twice?
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It looks like shedding too me. My dragons would shed like crazy in pieces all the time.
Thank you. Being so new I’m a little paranoid. Just wanna be the best mommy I can be
Thank you. Yes it’s crazy it’s not all at once.
Isn’t it funny how we worry about things that are sometimes normal? Lol! If they could only talk!
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