Bel produced from black pewter x pastel bamboo pairing

Red pupils can happen a lot when you start looking deep. It is more a night-shine thing like what we see with cats than a morph specific thing.

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The other animals in the clutch dont have that. I also checked other adults i had of different genes

I have a Freeway combo that has them, the couple multi-gene Ivory combos I had had them, three Passion combos I produced had them, my Acid KillerBee occasionally flashes them. I have seen them in Pied combos. A number of my four/five/six gene combos will do it…


Im going to have to keep this whole clutch it looks like.

You know, I don’t even bother to read all of the gene language and breeding information because I’m not a breeder at all, and probably won’t be one. Just no time or room right now.

But dang those are some very cool looking snakes!!

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