Does anyone have pictures of moj/moj and moj/lesser BELs? I’ve heard moj/lesser are the better of the two. I’ve got a GHI Mojave female I’m going to buy a male for put undecided on what I’m going to get.
Super Mojos will have a dusty or purple colored head and turn a little more creamy yellow color as they age.
The lesser mojos will be cleaner colored but can still get a yellow line down the back or yellow with age.
I don’t have a really clean simple Super Mojave. She’s a coral glow super mojave enchi Hypo pos fire, pas. So she’s got less of the purple face and more of the yellow eyestripe than you usually see. When she hatched she looked almost identical to her other super mojave clutchmates
And this is a mojave lesser male I had. Very clean in comparison
I only have Super lessers and Lesser Mojaves, but although the odd picture is ok Bels varies sometimes as do the ones I have. Especially if they have something else in them.
Your best bet is to go on Morphmarket and filter, all regions, any availability, moj/moj and in another window all regions, any availability moj/lesser.
You will see hundreds of pictures so you can compare better.
You might also want to filter for oldest birth