So I am wondering what is the best morph to pair to my orange ghost granite 50%het Carmel albino and 50%het genetic stripe ball python, i am thinking about pairing him sooner or later
Anything caramel or gstripe so you can prove them out. Other than that it depends completely on what you like. Bright or dark shades, clean or busy patterns etc.
I personally wouldn’t push towards caramel as visual females are sub fertile. What exactly are your plans for your collection? That’s what I would base my decision on. What projects do you have going now? Will he work with them? Or are you going to have to start a whole new project to use him?
Are you wanting to buy another BP to breed to him or her to?
Or are you wanting to breed to something in your collection?
What others morph’s do you have?
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I was looking to buy another to pair him to @wmb1965
I’d say the best pairing for him would be a Hypo G-stripe or a G-Stripe het Hypo.
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