Best snake to have - that will always eat when healthy

I am looking to add a snake to my collection that I know will alway eat the f/t small rat or medium to large mouse that my boa may reject on occasion. What would you recommend as a good consistent eater?

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Carpets pythons, false water cobras, boas, and olive pythons will destroy any food at any time just make sure that the animal is safe to consume a meal of that size.




Kingsnakes i second, eat multiple times a week, in blue or not. Smash everything you give them!


King snakes are good garbage disposals. I have a couple of corn snakes who are always willing to take an item someone rejected. I don’t have experience with the species Riley mentioned but I would add that male colubrids can go on hunger strike during breeding season. If you want a colubrids garbage disposal you could probably get a retired female who would be happy to eat everything you throw her way.


Great! Thank you everyone!

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One other addition are pituophis. Bulls and pines attain decent size and are garbage cans. Plus their food drive is hilariously terrifying.


I would say Boa Constrictor due to my female eating anything in front of her but my male will only eat fresh killed after it sits a while. Same with my corns some eat great and others dont. it seems like you almost have to just roll the dice lol.