have any of y’all ever tried betadine bath for just the beginnings of scale rot on bps?
for me I had a bp that was rescued and had the smallest amount of scale rot. I did betadine baths every other day for about 20 mins each time and let it soak. I monitored her a lot to make sure it didn’t get worse. I put her on paper towels and a little more heat.
after a while it went away completely. I had a vet that I was going to go to if it didn’t do anything soon. y’all’s thoughts on this?
It really depends on the severity of the scale rot. Mild and early cases can be cleared up by using a betadine soak and keeping them on a clean paper towel substrate. You want to be careful about changing the heat too much in case you cause a burn instead. I don’t let my belly heat temps go over 90.
Without seeing how bad it was, I wouldn’t be able to really offer much more advice on the should you/shouldn’t you, but if there are any other symptoms the snake is showing like excess drool, bubbling, lethargy or weight loss then you would absolutely need a vet visit to ID the cause behind the belly issue. If it didn’t improve or worsens is another reason to see a vet asap. Sometimes what some people see as scale rot or a burn can be early septicemia from another infection.
Also with the betadine baths… just in case. I like to let my snakes soak in the clean water for a little bit before adding the little bit of betadine. That way they can get a sip before it goes in if they want. A weak tea color is usually enough. Anything dark can actually cause more issues if your snake tries to drink some.
oh ok thanks I’ll keep that in mind and I didn’t let the temp go over 90