Blue my largest female chinese water dragon i was sold as a male tho it doesnt look far off lol its territorial with the other female and young male dont know what to do wether to separate her for a while so she doesn’t think she owns the tank constantly chasing the others i even created another basking site opposite side of the tank just a low wattage bulb hasnt helped, im gonna add some more branches to the viv and i have lots of the reptile rope vines could do something with, and thinking wether or not to grow some real grass in it again, i did it before and it looked well then they dug it all up looking nesting sites destroyed it so duno wether its worth wile, shes a big girl any wonder the other 2 r scared of her lol and not gonna be doing 2 much more till the viv cause im doing away with it early next year an gona go for a 4ft wide by 7ft tall 2ft deep, hopefully give enough space to stop the hostilities lol
I actually love the aesthetic of the grass in this enclosure! It looks super nice
Aye think im gonna get some new grass seeds and give it a go again, gives it the more natural look specially as im using fake foliage elsewhere just hope it lasts long enough before they destroy it or they dont lay eggs this season lol
Yes I think the grass looks fantastic! That whole enclosure looks amazing! She is such a pretty green dragon!
Hopefully you won’t have to separate them but if doesn’t behave herself you might have to……
Ano im definitely gonna grow the grass again and change the tank around again add few bits, an really dont wana have to split them up just need to keep monitoring the other 2 arent getting over bullied and getting enough food, i could take her out the tank for while during feeding times an let the others get basking for long enough and get a good feed into them, i dont know if its a seasonal thing or shes hit the age an size an just wants to dominate the others, i have a grow tent that would be perfect an the equipment for it but i dont have the room it would have to go out in the shed an b just a bit of a nightmare, cwds are a nightmare to be honest ther constantly something going on with them there stressing me so it better pay off n they settle down an breed the frillys r far more chilled, i should start throwing dilo into the viv with it for a half hour knock the dominance out of it lol
That enclosure looks wonderful! I am loving the grassy look. And gosh, Big Blue looks so sweet and innocent! On second thought maybe she’s got one of those faces, the kind where if one looks closely, one can see the mischief behind that innocent expression!
Aye the looks definitely deceiving lol it use to be really mellow it has a snap at me when im grabbing her when she chases the other and used be 1 the most docile lizards iv had lol im definitely gonna grow the grass back this month and rearrange the viv a bit, but there hard work keeping a group of them all happy