Big dilo juve frilled dragon loves getting out the tank now for a run about


Looks like he is getting very tame!


Aye he likes being handled bangs the glass to either let you know its feeding time or just to get out for a while, and doesn’t struggle at all just gets a firm grip on you where its comfortable and would happy just chill there for a while, its nearly overgrown my chinese water dragons and 2 of them are adult, i have a feeling there could be still some australian genetics in it the rate its growing because my younger 1 i haven’t noticed grown much and it eats and drinks like a trooper just the same everyday so i cant understand the size difference because the bigger 1 was nearly same size as the smaller 1 when i got it and its already grew this size, i think il be upgrading viv to 6-7 ft early next year, i could of had 1 for the same price as my viv now only there was a 3-4 week wait because it was to be custom made and i needed 1 within few days and i dont even use the matching unit, but i wont complain having a couple spare tanks


He is just destined to be a big boy! It’s so cool when a lizard like him starts to trust you! I have a tiny little false chameleon that wants out as well! He is so friendly and social. But your guy looks like he is a lot of fun to have!


Such an interesting creature to have around. What’s your favorite part of having them?


Just really low maintenance easy tamed love interaction and you can see there smart you just dont get bored of watching them well i dont anyway, give them the correct setup and conditions and they thrive, i read some bad reviews they can be quite hard to look after but i have found the complete opposite, im actually having a nightmare at the minute with my chinese water dragons i think im going to have ti split them all up again but i have a setup sitin ready im just trying give a bit more time but think its my only option my largest female is bullying my young male and i think its holding him back growing so i might give him 6months on his own and let him grow on where he wont be bullied


It recognises me and ny voice and goes mental to get out to be handled they both eat brilliant drink from spray bottle everytime i offer, younger 1 is bit skittish but its no problem still happy be stroked in viv its just to fast when its let out when it trys to make a break for it lol


Love love love these guys! If I had the space I would have one for sure! My false chameleon reminds me of these guys only in miniature size! So glad you have them! :star_struck:


Thanks for the reply. They sound like fascinating creatures to have/be around. I’m very much enjoying yours!


I had to go Google a false chameleon they are crazy looking like wee rock monsters class looking, i had genuinely never seen 1 b4


I know right!!! :+1: