Looking for some expert advice for setting up my first bio active enclosure for crested gecko. What would be the largest size yall would suggest? What is all the equipment I need to setup the enclosure? My gecko is only 5 months old. I know should wait to about a year old. Could I set up the closure now and let it cycle till he is a year old? Would like an auto mister as well and any other things that would help maintain the enclosure automatically.
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Setting up the enclosure now and letting it cycle, especially for a year, is a good idea. It will allow your plants and detritovores (isopods, springtails, etc…) to establish well and be ready to take on keeping up with your CG.
The smallest enclosure I’d reccomend is a 40gal vertical enclosure, but if you want to do bigger by all means go for it! 
Considering you have a CG you’ll want an ambiet humidity of 65-80% so an automatic mister would be good for this situation, you can find some decent ones on Amazon for a reasonable price. I personally use one for my Mourning Geckos and it works well to offer water for them to drink, keep the substrate from drying out, and of course maintain humidity. I’ve found little information on timing misting and idk if this is different for other types of misters but for a 40gal enclosure I set mine on a mist duration of 10 seconds and a frequency of every 12 hours. It you want to go an extra step you can also get a fan with a hygrometer attachment that you can set it to run to even more accurately moderate the humidity.
For equipment, it honestly depends on how “fancy” you want your bioactive setup to be. If you want to DIY your own background spray foam and silicone goes a long way for both attaching pieces of hardscape to your enclosure and filling in the rest. You can use “Great Stuff” spray foam (I reccomend using the black foam as it can be hidden much easier with plants, decor, etc… and only use 100% silicone if you want to go that route. Keep in mind both of these products to give off fumes and need to be aired out well and applied in a well ventilated area or outdoors. If you want to incorporate plants as well you’ll need a grow light. There is a wide variety of good LED grow lights on Amazon you can choose from, I can’t offer a specific brand because I use an LED desk lamp for my terrarium lol… it works fine for me but I wouldn’t reccomend just any desk lamp for this purpose, mine has an adjustable brightness up to a max of 2200 lumens and it stays on 6500k at all times unless the lamp is off.
They way you design your enclosure is honestly up to you but I find great inspiration in a youtube channel called “SerpaDesign”
For bioactive supplies, plants, and hardscape design I reccomend
Hope this helps 
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