Bioactive pics please

Hey everybody, I want to see pictures of EVERYONES custom bioactive enclosure, vivarium, terrarium setups for there pets (reptile, amphibian, arachnid, arthropod, fish,).



I know, you asked for pics.
It all started with a broken discus tank. Drilled drainage holes in the bottom, installed heat cable and a rain system. Finished compost/sand/red maple leaves/lawn clippings for substrate. Added a fist size lump of unfinished compost, buried in the center, exposed. Cottonwood roots from along the river. Chopped a hollow log into short sections and hung them using suction cups and cable ties. Started gathering plant clippings, bought a few tillandsia. Buried pots in the sub. Pothos, tradescantia, dieffenbachia, parlor palms, polka dot plants. Banana plant, failed. Used suction cups to hang more wandering jew, Easter cactus and spider plants. Siliconed a T-5 H.O. fluorescent fixture to the top. Later added led lights. Wired two 2" cpu fans, one top, one bottom. UTH on the top over one of the hollow logs. Plugged heat equip into a thermostat, lights on a timer, pump on a cyclestat. Thermometers (3),humidity gauge.
Collected a bunch of pillbugs from the compost pile, added them. Spring tails from the pea patch.
Then let it go.
I found a baby orange tiger amazon tree boa on MM after a couple months.
Other than adding water to the reservoir and the occasional rat hopper, I train or trim the plants and leave it alone. Best television, ever.
It measures 65"w x 38"h x 18"d.


Pics from today. Yes, there is a water dish. And a new skin, I see.
Apologies for the long winded reply. I am a card carrying, life time member of on and on anonymous.


it’s amazing!!!

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That’s really, deliriously gorgeous. Well done! :clap: :heart_eyes:

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Two of my tropicals.


My 3rd tropical and one of my arids.


The cork background in the top pic really ties it together. I tried cottonwood bark cuz it’s thick and rough but easy to flatten but I had mushrooms grow out of it, so, toss!


Yes, its tough finding what will mold and what won’t. Personally only used mopani and cork successfully. Too bad, because theres a ton of driftwood here, but it would mold easlily.

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