Biological Canvas 2024 Season

Clutch 5: Mom is a pied het lavender I produced. I never saw her lock up with two different males I put in with her. One of the males was a BH Dreamsicle and the other was a YB dreamsicle. It is very apparent that the two pieds are YB so we know the likely father. The single dreamsicle, which is a full patterned dream, is more difficult to ID. Without pattern edging it can be tough to call YB. It does have some very interesting side coloration, which I failed to pick up well in the photographs, that resembles BH qualities. Ultimately I’m pretty confident it is just an exceptional full patterned dreamsicle but I will be interested to see how it looks after its first shed.



You must have a HUGE operation!!!


It’s not that big really! After switching to ball pythons only in 2019 (prior I did boas only from 2003) I’ve been building up and this is my most successful season yet. I breed all my own feeder rodents. I would still consider my operation very small scale compared to the “career” level breeders. Love the hobby! Hatching season to so fun! 10 clutches this season so I’m halfway through.

Thanks for all your kind words!


Well I’m glad you’re reaping some of the benefits of your hard work! You certainly have a lot to be proud of! I have been enjoying all of your babies! I see even greater things in your future Ryan! I read your brief bio and I think we are on the same page……. :pray:


Thanks Caron! I really appreciate all your kind words. It has certainly been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. Finally reaching a point of significant production helps immensely towards long term goals and I’m thrilled!


Here’s some post shed photos of the sole dreamsicle from clutch 5. I think it’s “just” a dreamsicle but still unsure whats going on with it. Did I get a splitch clutch and hit on a Blackhead dreamsicle? Does it have YB (dont think so)? What’s up with all that orange on it’s sides (a typical blackhead pied trait)? Dunno!


Clutch 6 has all crawled out!

Blackhead Confusion Lavender Albino x YB Dreamsicle

All crawled out of their eggs. 10 egg clutch, good job first time mom! Definitely hit on some good combos here. I’ll wait until after they shed out to nail down ID’s. The color differences between them is already obvious!


Post shed outside photos of 8/10 Clutch 6 (YB Dreamsicle x Confusion BH Lav). Still waiting on the last 2 to shed. Hit on some nice combos for sure!


The final two shed and are bangers!

Confusion BH YB Lav Het Pied and BH YB Lav Het Pied


This little girl just had her first shed. She’s the first visual ultramel I’ve ever produced, from a leopard enchi het ultra/clown to a het ultra/clown. I missed on the 1/16 odds for a ultra clown, which was expected in a 5 egg clutch. I’ll be sending in her shed to test for het clown, fingers crossed she proves out!

Leo Ultramel 66% pos. het Clown


Congratulations! She is gorgeous! :star_struck:


Clutch 8 has all shed out.

Pastel Dreamsicle x Pastel Het Lavender

Hit on a couple super pastels (one lav, one not). Another cool lav clutch!


Clutch 9: BH Confusion Lav x YB Pied Het Lav

I produced a clutch from a YB Dreamsicle with this same male earlier in the season. It’s interesting to see the non lavender versions and how they translate directly into lav. Hit on some incredible combos!


My last clutch of the season (Clutch 10) was from a leopard enchi het ultra/clown to an enchi het ultra/clown. My first visual clowns I’ve produced! With just a 1/4 chance to hit on a clown in a 4 egg clutch I smashed the odds. I’ll be sending off sheds to test for het ultramel on any of the girls.


I love the 2 in the middle I’m the bottom picture!!!


Thanks! Those two are enchi clowns that I’m hoping are female and prove out het for ultramel :slight_smile: