Biological Canvas 2024 Season

Hey all!

Warning - if you don’t like lots of photos you’ve come to the wrong place :slight_smile:

Having my best season yet and figured I’d share the babies with you all. 7 clutches laid so far and I’m expecting 2 or 3 more. Clutch #1 just shed out.

Clutch #1: ODYB Leopard Enchi Pied (Ozzy Boids produced) x Dreamsicle (Garrick DeMeyer produced). The dreamsicle mother was the best of a few dreamsicles I bought from Garrick, and was featured in a video that seemed to indicate she was the best out of many. And Ozzy’s stuff is amazing as always. Definitely some selective breeding outside of the mutations going on with this clutch.

In the eggs, two had crawled out already

After their first shed:


Beauties all of them! If you haven’t already you should enter the June 2024 photo of the month contest thread! You have great hatchling/neonate pics!


Thanks! I’ve entered a few times many years ago. Might give it a go again in the future. In the 2000’s i was the “photography guy” in the boa community. Jeff Ronne (the boaphile, likely the top guy in the “boa game”) flew me up from FL to Minnesota, paid for my hotel and rented me a car, to photo all his babies for the season. So I’ve been at this for a while. Using very old camera equipment!


Jeff Ronne became a friend of mine when my accidental litter of boas appeared. I got to know him when I bought some enclosures from him so I called him the day I discovered the babies. He was tremendous help! He is a wonderful person! Obviously so by the way he treated you!


Clutch 2 was from a YB Dreamsicle (possible Confusion) to a Pied. Unfortunately I think the dreamsicle proved out to not be confusion :frowning: . Got some nice YB Pied and Pied Het Lav though!

Group Pre Shed

Group Post Shed

Individual Photos


Clutches 3 and 4 are currently pipping!

Clutch 3 - ODYB Leo Enchi Pied x Ultramel (9 Eggs)

Clutch 4 - Confusion BlackHead Lav Het Pied x Pastel Dreamsicle (5 Eggs): Looks like I may have whiffed on the pieds which is a little strange. Starting to worry that the male, who was originally a possible het pied, could have been falsely proven out due to sperm retention from a previous male. But it’s just 5 eggs and they’re not out yet, might be some dreams in there. He’s also got 21 more eggs he sired this season that are still cooking so we will definitely find out for sure.


Clutch 3 (ODYB Leo Enchi Pied x Ultramel) - Preshed, fresh out of the egg

Clutch 4 (Confusion BlackHead Lavender Albino Het Pied x Pastel Dreamsicle) - Preshed, fresh out of the egg


I think I’ve settled on these holdbacks from clutch 1, ODYB Leo Enchi Pied (from Ozzy Boids LLC) x Dreamsicle (from @royalconstrictordesigns).

From left to right: Female OD Enchi Pied Het Lav, Male ODYB Enchi Pied Het Lav, Female ODYB Pied Het Lav, Male OD Enchi Pied Het Lav

I haven’t really handled them much since they got on food. The female (left middle) promptly bit the male (right middle) after I sat them down here for photos. She was in go-mode! He’s a tough guy though and didn’t really care.


Man, your photos always do your animals justice. These guys all look absolutely incredible. Thanks for sharing them with us!


What are the babies in the fourth and fifth pictures of the first clutch? They look so cool!


Thanks man! I definitely try to make my photos as high quality as possible. White balance with a grey card makes such a difference in accuracy. Cropping each photo and properly tuning exposure (lightness/darkness) goes a long way for consistency as well. Shooting in RAW helps with all post processing. Snapping a photo and calling it good is adequate for many people but not me :slight_smile:

Thanks! I’m not sure exactly which ones you’re talking about but 4th pictures in the very first post of the baby still in the egg is an OD Enchi Pied (het lav) male, one of my hold backs. The 5th picture in the first post is two snakes that had crawled out of the egg already, one of which is much smaller than the rest (she was in tiny little “boob” egg!), the high white one I believe to be a leopard OD pied het lav (female) and the smaller one I believe to be an OD enchi pied het lav (female, another one of my holdbacks).

I just went through and made all of the photos in that “grid” format, which makes it even harder to figure out which one you’re talking about lol! With all the photos I have to share I think it streamlines the thread nicely like that. Cool feature!

4 Clutches down, 5 more to go with a potential 10th clutch on the way. I think that female is gravid but she’s not showing typical gravid behavior. The next clutch is an odd 3 egg clutch (was 5 total but 2 were bad) that I was not expecting at all with two potential fathers… should be interesting. I’m anxiously awaiting clutches 3 and 4 to shed out. Really fun season for me! I’ve been building things up for quite a few years now and it’s all finally coming to fruition.


Those guys are so GORGEOUS!!!


Sorry I was talking about the 4th and 5th pictures of the third clutch, which was the first set of pictures in the post I replied to lol. the pattern looks all wobbly.



Oh! Well there’s enchi, leopard, yellowbelly, and orange dream involved with that clutch. I’m confident in the brightest one being enchi, leo, and OD but unsure on YB. I’ll be waiting about a week for those to have their first shed. Kind of amazing how great they look before they even shed though, I gotta say! Hoping for lots of females to add to my hold back pile!


whatttt you can’t hold them all back I want one…

They look so beautiful!


Clutch 4 - Confusion BlackHead Lav Het Pied x Pastel Dreamsicle

These are the first three to shed out.

Confusion Lav Het Pied
Pastel Blackhead Lav Het Pied
Pastel Confusion Lav Het Pied

Assuming my initial ID’s are correct, it’s interesting how much pastel seemed to thin out the pattern of confusion. Still left to shed out are a standard lav het pied and the all gene animal (BH Confusion Pastel Lav Het Pied).

I’ve raised a few pastel lavs and pastel dreamsicles. They start off more faded and pull in much more color over time versus non pastel dreams/lavs. These will be very interesting to watch develop!


Their colors are really popping already! Beauties all of them!


Clutch 4 (Confusion BlackHead Lav Het Pied x Pastel Dreamsicle) have all shed out. Looking amazing. The all gene animal is a male and will work great into my projects :slight_smile: !


Wow!! Those are some gorgeous snakes!!!


I posted these in another thread for ID opinions but figured I should post every clutch this season here.

Clutch 3 (ODYB Leo Enchi Pied x Ultramel) post shed: