Aaand… last clutch is pipping! Day 72.
Yay Olivia! Hope there are lots of “goodies” inside! And Little Dot says Hello!
Edit: He gets another yummy pink tomorrow!
Our little ones share a pip day!
Oh that’s awesome!
Your post reminded me I hadn’t checked yet today, so I did a peek and one was wide open!
Sweet, I’ll go check out your pics if you’ve already posted!
This makes it extra exciting, can’t wait to see what we get.
Wow, so much excitement! Today has been rather chaotic here. I’m so happy that there’s pippiness- happiness happening! Congratulations!!
@noodlehaus @solarserpents @caryl
I wonder if they made noise coming out of their eggs they could be called little “pip squeaks”?
Oh my goodness, he is going to be a looker
One baby out overnight, a normal. This is Katana.
And I think mom and dad’s pos het amel proved out!
Ohhh if only I had the extra funds Congrats on proving out pos hets! Gorgeous little ones, can’t wait to see them outside the egg.
Congratulations @solarserpents! I’m sooooo excited for you! Those little noodle boodle noses are always adorable! I hope every one of them is just what you are hoping for!!!
What happy discoveries!! We’re super busy here today but I had to make time to check on the pippies. That’s really wonderful! Congratulations!
Wow! What type is this one? It almost looks like a peach color! . It’s a beaut!
It’s eyes look the same color as it’s body!
I’m thinking lavamel masque? I’ll have to wait for the first shed. It’s really hard to tell lavamel apart from amel.