Black Eyed Luecistic advice

So it has been some time since I have kept a ball, and unlike my first time when I was in middle school, this time I have at least a small amount of money to put towards a morph. My partner and I have settled on a female Black Eyed Lucy (super fire) from Mike Wilbanks. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on a male I could pick up in a few months. If I ever decide to pair them I’d like some interesting possibilities from a clutch, though I’m not partial to anything. The other half says no spider morphs which is an argument Im not having with her atm. Something under 4-500 dollars. I have never bred snakes before (I do fish tho) and I’m brushing up on my genetics before I buy anything.

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I would check out Morphpedia. Click the link below and scroll down to the ‘Combos’ section and find what interests you the most and decide from there. I, personally, like the Firefly combo with fire and pastel but YMMV.

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You don’t have to breed, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. If you want to breed I recommend looking around the marketplace for snakes you like and want to produce. Once you find a goal to breed for you can look for a male and other females to help get that project, the super fire might or might not help with the project. While you’re waiting for those snakes to grow up and be ready to breed you can learn about their care and husbandry and save money for the incubator and caring for hatchlings. Also, this thread is very educational about spider morphs.


Do you want more white snakes?
If so, look into these morphs: Black Eyed Leucistic Complex

If not, then avoid them. :wink:


I laughed so hard at this :rofl:


Besides vanilla and disco they don’t make white snakes!


That is why they are awesome lol :sunglasses: