I got this gorgeous black pastel PH pied. However, I feel like there’s something else going on. Barnhart line maybe? Some Trick? Just a fun example of a black pastel? What do you guys think.
And since I have you here… I feel like I’m losing my mind a bit. I’ve had this girl for 8 years now and I was looking at her the other day and I realized… I don’t think she’s a normal, I think she’s a hidden gene woma. Am I crazy?? And yes… We had a shed issue that’s cleared up and figured out.
I would have to agree with this assumption but cant say for sure since I dont have a huge amount of experience with either gene. The other girl however is definitely not a normal. I see spider clear as day with your girl as well as enchi but she could also just be a strange patterned spider too.
And I’d agree with Nathan, looks to be a Spider. White sides are the giveaway. I could agree with Enchi, does appear to be there but I’m not the best with Enchi so definitely don’t take my word on it.
The first one I think is just a Black Pastel with influence from the het Pied. A lovely snake.
Your big girl is 1000% spider at least.
The only reason i would disagree with Nathan’s guess of Enchi is the neck pattern.
If you can post a picture of her once she is out of shed it will be much easier to spot Enchi in there.
Can do! I was so stuck on hgw I didn’t even think of spider… I think they told me hgw when I got her, she was a surrender, but I don’t trust my memory very often.
Not sure, the breeder I got her from didn’t produce her either.
She is gorgeous and FIESTY which is fun. She’s getting better with handling over time.
I went through SO many pictures of spiders and she doesn’t seem to have that tell-tale “bar” across her crown like all the others do. And she seems to have quite a few alien heads on her neck… I know there are variations between morphs, which makes this all the more fun. As @nathan_e said, she may just be a strange spider.
No spider? I was near certain that this is a spider HGW always seems a lot darker than that animal. Obviously your a lot more knowledgeable on this than myself, so I will take your word for it
this is the kind fo thing that really helps me… why a morph ISN’T something that looks very simlar. The differences and comparsions side by side have been a beast to get a handle on. I Have been using the wiki A LOT and grateful for all the advice : )
That’s a very fair point to make, for every one adult I see, I also see a hundred babies.
I will also say I have only ever seen one HGW in person, the fact it wasn’t a adult doesn’t help.
The head stamp is what I was looking for but the shed obscured it.
I like it when I’m wrong, it means I’m learning something new