Black pastel, orange ghost...and trick?

Hello all! Do you think trick is also present in this snake? The pairing was orange ghost pinstripe to black pastel pos het orange ghost. I’m sure about the black pastel and orange ghost, no pinstripe, but I think I do see trick as well…

Reasons I believe trick is also present: more yellow/orange back pattern, open donut back spots, some open hooks and joining the side pattern, a solid stripe near the tail, very wide open and funky alien heads, some non-circular.

Thanks in advance for your input!

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But trick isn’t in the pairing so I would suggest posting the parents to see if trick can be identified in one of them.


Sorry, I should have added that the grandfather was sold to me by a commercial breeder who did mention the possibility of trick being present, but subtle. I am posting pics of him (deep in shed, of course) as I think he may be the originator. I have labeled the pics with morphs and family lineage.


But unless one of the parents had trick, the baby wouldn’t, regardless of grandfather having it, it has to be in one of the parents.

Unlike geckos where you will get all sorts of traits pop up depending on lineage far back, with snakes what you see is what you get. You have a normal and a banana, that’s what you’ll get baby wise, if Nan was a pinstripe you wouldn’t get pin in the babies as parents didn’t have pin.

UNLESS what you’re asking is, do we think one of the parents has trick? Who’s related to grandad? Is he Mum or dads dad?

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Ah just seen mum!
Ok so you think trick is there, i think we get you now :sweat_smile:

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If going by ones for sale on MM, I’d agree trick is there :blush:

Thanks for your clarification and input! I was able to make it to a reptile expo today and chat with and show the pictures to some of the breeders who work with trick. They also seem to feel trick is indeed present. I guess a pretty signature mark is alien heads that look like “muscle arms” and there is a whole range of expression of the gene from subtle to screaming. When the rest of these hatch out I can share a picture of the whole crew. It looks like I may have really gotten lucky with the odds, but I’ll wait until they’re to be certain…

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I’m still waiting on one more, but in the meantime I think this one has trick, too. I’m certain it’s a orange ghost pinstripe besides that. In the photo the other snake is pinstripe het og.

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So one is STILL in the egg, but maybe won’t make it, but i think it’s a pinstripe, so I’ll post the rest. I think 1, 5 and 6 have trick, and I’m not sure about 4.