Black Pine Snake going off feed normal this time of the year?

Hi, im a first time black pine snake owner, and i have a pine that started his hunger strike. Hes about 2+ years old, and I have read around this time of the year, they can stop eating up until end of January to February. Just seeing if this is a normal thing. He does seem to be slowing down, but im not sure if this is a vet visit or a nornal brumation in pines. He never has refused a meal until very recently (approx two weeks ago).


Certainly possible he’s just hunkering down for winter. What are your ambient temps and light cycle? If the room he is in is getting cooler and he is subject to the natural light cycle (windows in the room), he could be sensing the season change and has stopped eating. Two weeks isn’t long at all w/o food so I don’t think it’s any reason to panic. Keep an eye on him to make sure he isn’t losing weight drastically.

You said he is “slowing” down, safe to assume this means he is just hanging out in his hide and less activity about the cage? If he starts getting more active and looks like he is foraging around the cage you can try feeding again.

My black pines have also stopped eating and are slowing down, but I am purposely withholding food and dropping the temps to prepare them for brumation, so it is expected.


You can rest assured you have gotten great advice from @eorr53 Eric! He knows his snakes!

As a side note, your boy looks nice and healthy with a good weight so he will be fine! :+1::pray:


Thanks @Caron. I am no expert but I have noticed my snakes take cues from the current weather/climate conditions even though they are in a temperature controlled environment. Normally Pituophis species are pretty voracious eaters but I have heard of pines just randomly going off food from time to time as well with no rhyme or reason.

@kinnko That is beautiful black pine. As Caron said, he seems to have really good body condition so I wouldn’t be too stressed about a few missed meals.


@eorr53 Cool side is 71 degrees and warm side is 78 with basking spot being 85. He is on a timer cycle that is on from 8am to 8pm. He is in a room that has plenty of windows but no direct sunlight. So outside lighting could play a factor. The nights are getting anywhere to low 40s to 30s, so night drops could play a factor in triggering a brumation. The house temps can get to mid 65s, but ive set the heater to kick in around 68.

With his slowing down temperament, he is normally a little fussy with being interacted with in the enclosure and will at least strike at prey when intimated by it. I usually have to snake hook him out of the enclosure to be okay, but last two weeks, im actually able to reach in and grab him with no striking issues. Its more of a chill attitude lately hes given.

He still wanders the enclosure, and it feels like he is hungry still, but when presented with food, he has no interest. I have warmed the food and that still doesnt peek his interest.

Just a moment ago, he was hanging out infront of the enclousure, and i presented him a small meal, but that didnt peek his interest. Rats or mice.

So im curious as this to brumation with snakes or something else. Ive never dealt with a snake that brumates :sweat_smile: Ill be monitoring his weight and keeping tabs. If too paranoid, i may do a vet visit. But i just want to see what experience pine keepers usually see during this time of the year.


@caron Thank you!! Im hoping he’s just going through brumation and nothing serious. :pray: ill definitely be monitoring and seeing.


Beautiful black pine snake you’ve got there, @kinnko . @eorr53 really knows what he’s talking about with pine snakes, so you’ll be getting excellent info there. I have never had pine snakes, but yours looks to be in fine condition. A couple of weeks without eating is nothing to be concerned about with a healthy snake.

You say that he hasn’t refused a meal until about two weeks ago. How long have you had him? Is it possible that he’s in shed? Some of my snakes will refuse when they’re even in such early “blue” that I can’t see it yet.


You are very welcome! Come back anytime if you feel anxious about him. Btw, he is simply gorgeous! You have done a fantastic job with him! :+1::star_struck: