Blizzard / Yeti morphs in BCI's?

Hi everyone,

I’m new boa keeping, and I’m learning about genetics, morphs, and combo’s. Two of the most interesting morphs I’ve come across, are Blizzard and Yeti. However, I can’t seem to find any info on them. Does anyone know anything about these morphs?

So far I’ve managed to find:
-I’ve believe that the Blizzard morph is made up of RBE, Albino (sharp, or kahl I think), and hypo genes. I’m not sure what the ‘Yeti’ morph is made out of, but I believe it involves Anery (type I), albino (kahl), and also RBE .
-I read that Blizzards turn more yellow with age, as opposed to the Yetis
-I read that Blizzards possibly have some lethal gene problems, causing them to die prematurely

Can anyone comment on the info above, and possibly share more about these morphs?

Thank you in advance for any help.

update 17-10-2023:
I managed to get some more info, and thought I would share it here for those interested.
a) there seem to be no lethal genes involved with the blizzards; there are healthy adult boas and also breeding pairs out there.
b) while there shouldn’t be any yellowing with age, I did see one adult specimen that hat gotten a bit of a yellow pattern as adult. It seems that (super) hypo individuals don’t have this. (for a visual; compare the adult specimen for sale on morphmarket, with the adult male of muscle serpents university, from the 7-22-21 vlog.)


@tommccarthy @lumpy


@flrt-dennis @mattcookreptiles @ccboas


Not really familiar with that morph as I deal with locale boas (surinames). If im not mistaken is a kahl albino, type 1 anery and RDR anery(black eye) but don’t quote me. I believe constrictor capital has/does work with them so maybe you can reach out to them from morph market for specific details as far as survivability, color changes, etc.


Thank you for the info and the recommendation! I hope I can reach out to them :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome, sorry I couldnt be more helpful. I can say they look amazing in the photos!


I don’t know much about them, hopefully someone else has more to weigh in on them

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I unfortunately don’t know anything about either morph, they’re outside my interest and as such I’ve done little deep diving. :laughing: But Constrictor Capital is definitely a good place to reach out to on that topic!

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No worries! If the info on them was easy to find, I wouldn’t have made a thread about it haha. I appreciate any pointers that could help ^^
They are amazing looking! I would be perhaps willing to part with an arm and a leg for one… But I first need to learn more about them. Especially that potential lethality of genes seems good to know more about.


Hi everyone,

I managed to get some more info, and thought I would share it here for those interested.
a) there seem to be no lethal genes involved with the blizzards; there are healthy adult boas and also breeding pairs out there.
b) while there shouldn’t be any yellowing with age, I did see one adult specimen that hat gotten a bit of a yellow pattern as adult. It seems that (super) hypo individuals don’t have this. (for a visual; compare the adult specimen for sale on morphmarket, with the adult male of muscle serpents university, from the 7-22-21 vlog.)

The only regrettable news is for me, which is that blizzards only seem to be for sale in the us, while I live in the Netherlands… Its a cruel world.

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I’m from the U.K. and produced a few blizzards in the past, I have adults of both sexes, hopefully I can produce more this coming season

Blizzards are ralph davis line of anery (rdr black eye) paired to albino, then also are, super hypo,;
single gene hypo ,albino, anery is just called moonglow and not as white as the aforementioned all moonglows go a degree of yellow, depends primarily on the potency of the hypo and which albino used, sharp appear to be more white, where as kahl more creamy, cant speak on prodigy etc as i dont work those.

Albino Hypo Anery make moonglows, this is about as white as you can get other than the rdr combo & super fires which are basically a bel, hope this helps, also, it should be noted that albino anything has sensitivity to light as they lack the pigment filtering and also litters of any of these lines/combos usually have zero issues except a few stillborn/slugs and potentially a few small eyes on the super fires