Bloated hatchling

I am very worried about one of my babies. He hatched 6/4 and ate the first time on 6/25. He refused yesterday’s meal and now today looks very bloated or swollen in the midsection. He is still active and moving around. Currently on paper towel and all of it is accounted for so I know he didn’t accidentally eat some. Has anyone experienced something like this or have any suggestions? I’m terrified to even ask this question, but can crypto show symptoms this young?


Has he pooped since the last feed? I’d start with a soak before freaking out too much. Also do you have a hatch weight on him? What feeder size was given?


Also if he hasn’t pooped then the warm soak water may encourage him to move around and get the intestines moving. He is a very handsome boy btw! Best wishes to you and him! :pray::+1::blush:


Hatch weight 6.2g. I was supposed to weigh yesterday before feedings but forgot so that will be tomorrow instead. On 6/25 he had a red hot pinkie, just shy of 1g I think it was. He has pooped twice since then. I’ll soak him tomorrow.


Thank you, I hope I’m worrying over nothing.


I don’t know what red hot pinkie means but I wonder if he is bloated because of gas since he has pooped twice?


Unless you’ve been keeping him in a habitat that is dirty or handling infected animals just before handling the baby, that’s extremely unlikely to be the issue.

There could be something internally problematic. Unfortunately as much as they can look perfect on the outside, sometimes there’s something wrong with them internally. Things can happen as much as we hope they don’t. My first clutch of eggs hatched a snake with an enlarged heart.

Hopefully it’s something simple and he’s just gassy. I recently had that scare with a snake. She ballooned up pretty large and spooked me with how she looked too.


Sorry your baby’s having trouble. It does look worrisome. Hoping that a soak will help. I would make sure that the little one has access to temps 2-3 degrees F higher than usual as this helps boost metabolism, helping healing.

I wouldn’t worry about crypto developing suddenly in a neonate. If the baby passes more waste, you might put it in a plastic bag, refrigerate, and take to your vet for analysis.

Good luck with your little one.


I’ve always heard the term used for pinkies that are basically fresh out of mom. Like 1day old at most.


Little one seems a bit better today. The swelling is still there but seems less pronounced and he pooped overnight. I gave him a soak this morning so hopefully that helps him feel better.


Ok thank you! I was thinking “hot” as in “right out of the oven”! :joy:


I’m sure the soak was helpful. Glad he seems a bit better. If I’m reading correctly, this was the third poop after a 1 g pinky meal on 25 June. How have these eliminations seemed, in consistency and amount?


That is correct. This last stool was a little bit more scant but still normal as far as color and texture (oh the things pet owners talk about :sweat_smile:). The previous stools were normal as well. I didn’t check on him this morning but I did before bedtime last night and he looked almost completely normal so hopefully thats a good sign that I was just overreacting.


Sounds encouraging. I omitted the last part of your sentence in the quote because you’re not overreacting, you’re concerned about your baby. That’s a good thing.


Oh yes, from one pet owner to another, poop is one of those little 4 letter words that has to be discussed from time to time, over coffee perhaps? Lol :joy: