Blue Eye Leucistic Complex

@solarserpents suggestion for morphipedia is a great start
You can also check in this thread here:

It’s kept pretty up to date with new info when it drops.
As far as the BEL complex goes though…
The complex is a pretty clean one as long as you aren’t breeding BEL Pieds, BEL albinos or Super Butter/Lessers.
BEL Pieds and albinos can have small eyes
Super Lesser/Butter can have bug eyes

If you are looking for a very white snake with as little yellow as possible and without the risk of eye issues you would want to look into a Mojave lesser/butter, Super Bamboo or a Super Russo. Combos of lesser/butter and bamboo or Russo should be clean too iirc
Other combinations can have varying degrees of yellow or grey markings. Like the ‘Crystal’ which is Mojave/Special which is a pretty yellow snake with blue eyes. Even super Mojave will have a grey head but white body.