Blue Phase Valley Garter Ssanke

Recently purchased this little guy and was told he was a “blue phase valley garter snake”. He is a gorgeous little guy and a great eater, but I am curious about this “blue phase” trait. I have a suspicion that it is a some of axanthism, but I am looking for guidance. I do plan on breeding in the future that could help solidify what type of genes I am looking at, but for now, he is a mystery.


A lot of traits like these tend to be line bred. So breeding the one with good color with another and hope for a good outcome. Like blue phase in green tree pythons.

I haven’t personally worked with these snakes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was similar.


Blue is a common color in garter snakes across the genus. Puget sound garters, lake chapala, infernalis, fitchi and even concinnus can be predominantly blue. I don’t believe it’s Axanthic because garters can be both and blue and red at the same time. @caryl or @t_h_wyman might know more about the genetic mechanisms behind it.


For your reading pleasure:
On the Blue Coloration of Vertebrates.pdf (884.3 KB)

(The fact that I have this article perpetually on hand slightly worries me :rofl: :rofl: )


The fact that you have this article perpetually on hand completely charms me! :confetti_ball: :clap: :grin: