Boa Constrictors!

I bet it’s really nice to have someone when you’re just starting the “adulting” thing… Lol I am not looking forward to figuring everything out on my own.


:upside_down_face:…Tom…I certainly don’t want anything to ever happen to you. But if that is the case, yes, I wouldn’t mind that.


It’s really hard to pick a favorite between the two! They’re both bright and colorful. :grin: Looking forward to seeing how they turn out!

Any idea who produced her @eorr53? She’s gorgeous! Love the stonewashed look to her saddles, and has that racing stripe and broken head spear without any hypo or jungle.

@lumpy that’s the worst. I had to get my own as well, and SC insurance is like twice as expensive as NC. Plus losing the discount for being under my mom’s insurance. Good luck finding your stride! It’ll be worth it in the long run but I know it’s gonna be a struggle in the meantime.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to school to pursue my Bachelor’s, but I’m not sure how much it would help me really, and I work way too much to do it. I struggled to do school when I worked 20 or fewer hours, and now I work more than twice that. I got my Associates a year late because I had to drop a class every semester.


Finally got a second shed out of this girl since getting her back in Oct. Hopefully she doesn’t make me wait as long on the next cycle. :upside_down_face: I can’t wait to watch her colors start to come in.
-Hange, Ferrari jungle poss het VPI

And this guy is really starting to hit a stride in his colors at around 2 years old! He’s gonna make me some amazing sunglows and supers, hopefully as early as this season! He’s a big boy for one I haven’t been pushing much to this point (his lean body type has kept me from trying to offer too large of meals in case of sensitivities), but I went ahead and put him on the same size rat as my biggest to get some more meat on him. He’s tolerating them well and he already seems to be putting on a lot more muscle and will probably explode in growth.
-Aleister, RC hypo jungle het Kahl


She was produced by Taking Up Serpents by way of a friend who acquired her but decided to go a different direction. He knew I was considering adding an anery to my collection at some point, so he reached out to see if I wanted her.

You’ve got a ferrari anery from Eyes of the Serpent, right? Not sure if there is any connection between the two but they are both NC/SC local guys so I wouldn’t be surprised if there is common ancestry between our two.

I noticed the racing stripe also but no jungle. Her silver eyes really get me. So cool.

The color on your RC hypo jungle is chef’s kiss. I love how clean and crisp most jungles look.


I figured that would be one of the possible breeders of your’s! And yes, I actually have a 1.1 pair from Eyes of the Serpent, which are descended from 2 Taking Up Serpents adults.

You got a heckuva good animal! Top notch quality, interested to see how she develops for sure, those qualities all speak towards a very nice clean and crisp adult.

And yes! Fr he is. He was the cleanest out of the available boas at the time, and popped the most. I suspected he would color up nicely and am not being disappointed. He’s not gonna make it easy to identify the Kahl jungles though, since he doesn’t have that classic look. :joy::joy: But I’m sure I’ll get help.



The jungle genetics can give you a full stripe baby even from a low expression jungle. That’s one of the things I love about jungles besides the color enhancements you get.

This PK Reptiles low expression hypo jungle gave me 3 full striped jungles and one half striped.

Some of her babies.


ohhhh the one in the back is gorgeous, I want it… :joy:

I need to stop I want a boa so badly, this is not helping.


Each of my mini spice bottles ranges from $3-5, and I’m getting the cheapest ones possible :joy: :sob: if you want good quality or more exotic spices, get ready for $10+ per small bottle :sob: :sob:


I just spent $80.00 on some big bottles of spices at Gordon Food Service yesterday.

Milk is $5 a gallon to and my one son will drink a gallon a day if it here.


To get back on topic here are a few babies i had out yesterday. Taking them to my good local pet store today as the owner wants to buy two.






Ohhhh that last light girl… she’s beautiful!


Those are fantastic! I’d have a hard time selling them. :joy:


My faves are the first two all are stunning


Wish I could I could like this post more than once!


Stunning collection. How would you pick out just two to buy??


Totally agree Dennis!


I know it is a bit off topic but I did get a car. I have been looking for a bit (3 months) and finally found someone that was decent lol :joy:. So I now have a 2014 Honda Civic ex. I am technically the second owner as well…the original owner who bought it in 2014 was selling it. My mechanic told me it is like the car has never been driven or used…that is how well it has been cared for.

My car insurance was going to be $6458 every 6 months with other companies but I was able to go with Progressive and I am paying $1448 every 6 months. I mean…thank God…I am so thankful for this miracle.

Now the fun part lol :joy:…let’s go get a full time job or another part time job :rofl:. Goodness…life is starting…wish me luck everyone.


Let me be the first to congratulate you on a fantastic car :oncoming_automobile:! Insurance is a necessary evil but 6,400 is insane!

Very best of wishes to you Riley! You deserve it! :heart:

Edit to add: Nice ride!


Just sold my 2008 civic this spring. Bought it new and put 380,000 miles on it. Honda’s will run forevere just keep the oil and trans fluided changed regularly. All my kids have used my civic for their first car. Keeped handing down as one got their license.