Brandy new here! *from maine*

Just wanted to swing by and say hi! Got directed here by reddit, looking to make new friends and get another danger noodle or two… possible three here :sweat_smile:


Why stop at 3? I always like even numbers so at least 4 minimum!


Already have one, so that would make four :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello fellow redditor :wave: and welcome to the forum.

If you have any questions at all then don’t feel silly asking, we all need to learn. We also happen to have a lot of experienced breeders/keepers that are always happy to help anyone that is willing to listen.

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Thank you!

Welcome! Even if you try to limit yourself, you’ll eventually fall down the rabbit hole every else has :joy: I started at 1 ball python as a pet, now I have over 20 in my main collection and several hatchlings I’m raising up to be sold :sweat_smile:

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I know I will. My daughter already is saying we (bf and i) need more… her quote that she lives by is “scaley is the new fluffy.” We are renting a place atm so that’s are only saving grace as to why we dont have more. And just lack of employment.

Trying to decide which noodle I want next :thinking: I’m thinking rat, or hognose… but the hog nose with my kiddos I’d be less likely to let them interact with.


I’ve literally never had a hognose bite me. There all huff and puff. I would have no problem letting my son hold one but unfortunately he has zero interest in snakes. The only drawback to them imo is they can be not the greatest feeders.

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Good to know thank you ^-^

Welcome! If you’re looking for a beautiful, well-tempered Colubrid that is a bit more unique than a Cornsnake but has similar care, I highly recommend Trans-Pecos Ratsnakes. While they are more difficult to locate from a breeder, they are very calm, sweet snakes and a joy to interact with. This is one of our girls. She is an Axanthic Blonde morph, but all Trans-Pecos are just as beautiful. The eyes always get me.


So long as they ask the breeder, you can get docile Eastern rat snakes (black rat snake, everglades rats, yellow rats, and greenish rats). They are larger and more impressive in size than trans-pecos, and really fun to hold. Bairds rat snakes are always docile from what I have heard as well, and are slightly smaller than Eastern rat snakes.

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