Breeding ball python first time

Hello all, i am planning to breed my ball pythons first time. I am newbie to breeding can someone please explain to me ? If i will breed my pastel female to my lemon blast 50%het genetic stripe het 50% albino. What offspring could i get? Would all of them be 50%het genetic stripe het 50% albino??

Thank you so much.

I’m not sure how much you understand so I’ll start from the basics and try to be brief. If you know most of the basics skip to the second paragraph. You likely know that each of the names are morphs. The morphs can, but aren’t always inherited in the offspring. Some of the morphs are and some aren’t and it results in a variety of morphs in the offspring. They are inherited through mendelian genetics and one allele from each parent (if you don’t know this there are lots of better explanations online). Some morphs are dominant and some are recessive. Dominant morphs need one copy to be visual and 2 copies are called supers and look different. Recessives need 2 copies to be visual and one copies are called hets. Pastel is dominant and lemon blast is the same as pastel and pinstripe which are both dominant morphs. Genetic stripe and albino are recessive.

The het means that they only have one copy and aren’t visual. They either are or they aren’t het, there is no in between. 50% het genetic stripe means there is a 50% chance that the snake is het for genetics stripe and a 50% chance that the snake isn’t het for genetic stripe. The same applies to albino, 50/50 chance if the snake is or isn’t het for albino.

You can see the results of the pairing here. You can experiment with adding het genetic stripe and/or het albino.


Ok cool and thank you for explaining to me . Chances are that i can hit normal ball python but he could be either 50% GS or albino ? How would i know if there are or not?

There’s no way to tell unless the 50% het is paired to a 100% het or visual. Other than that the babies can’t be labeled as pos het and the pairing should be mentioned to buyers so they know the snake has a very small chance of being het for GS or albino.

Ok briliant thanks again for your help.

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You’re welcome. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Dominant genes don’t have a super form. I believe you are meaning incomplete dominant.


It’s too late to edit it but you’re right. That’s an error on my part.

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The term “Dominant” can cover multiple gene types: Complete dominance, Incomplete dominance, and Codominance.

I use the term “Dominant genes” to describe genes that fall within any of those three categories, which is technically correct. I’m not sure it makes sense to assume when someone says “Dominant gene” that they mean “complete dominance” specifically.

While technically correct the hobby all using the same terminology benefits all and eliminates confusion. With so many new people coming into the hobby it can be confusing. I prefer to go by the terms that are listed on the MorphMarket.

I would disagree.

For example, the shift from the specific term “codominant” to “inc. dominant” was predicated on being technically correct.

Riley’s explanation was speaking in generalities regarding dominant genes. Getting more specific into different types of dominance for someone new only adds additional layers of complication and confusion.

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Ok if you look on MorphMarket (and morph calculator)for super forms of dominant genes you will find none this could be confusing for someone starting out. Which the op was told two copies of a dominant gene gives you a super form that is not correct.

Two copies of some dominant gene types does give you a super form. You are equating the general term “dominant gene”, which includes complete/incomplete/co, with the specific term “complete dominant gene”.

We should be able to use the correct terms and when I say “dominant genes” I’m referring to all of the dominant genes, not just ones expressing as complete dominance.

The MorphMarket genetics calculator page mirrors this:

Genes which are dominant produce visual effects even if only a single gene of a chromosome pair is carried. A single parent with this gene can produce this type of offspring. In true dominance, the same visual effect is achieved with either a single gene or pair of genes. When a single and pair produce different appearances, it is referred to as incomplete dominance (often called codominance in the community although these have slightly different meanings).

The term “dominant” is used to generally describe when there is a visual effect with a single gene of a chromosome pair. When the same visual effect is achieved regardless of single or a pair of genes it is specifically defined as “true dominance” (a.k.a. complete dominance).

So your saying there is no difference between a dominant gene and a incomplete dominant gene so we can use the terminology interchangeable? I’m just going to say we have to disagree on this one because I understand how basic genetics work and your confusing me lol

No, not at all.

I’m saying the term “dominant gene” encompasses all three types of dominant genes: Incomplete Dominance, Complete Dominance and Co Dominance. They are types of dominant genes. The general term “dominant gene” should not be assumed to specifically apply only to “Complete Dominant”.

For example, when new breeders are getting into the hobby I recommend looking at recessive base mutations. After they settle on one I recommend learning how that recessive base interacts with various “dominant” genes. When I say that I am referring to any of the different type of “dominant genes”. It would be more confusing to say: Then take a look at incomplete dominant genes, and also the complete dominant genes, and by the way incomplete dominant genes used to be called codominant. That just makes things more complex and confusing. Thus I just use the blanket term “dominant genes”, which is technically correct. No reason to over complicate things in my opinion.

I agree never disagreed but dominant genes doesnt have a super form. If a granite gene is from a dominant line not a incomplete dominant line no matter how hard you try your not going to get a super granite.

Leads to confusion in my opinion when people have zero experience and are learning.

Much respect Shaun. Hopefully I’m not coming across too harshly in my disagreement.

Complete dominant genes don’t have a visual super form. Incomplete and Codominant ones do. The general term “dominant genes” applies to all three of those specific forms of inheritance, not just complete dominance.

Not at all I have no doubt both you and Riley understand how it works. My main point was it can be confusing to someone new. So using standard terminology across the board eliminates confusion for greener people.

This is usually referred to as dominant in the hobby.

I’d counter with incomplete dominant used to be referred to as codominant in the hobby :wink:.

For newbies especially I think the general term “dominant genes” to describe all types of dominance is less complicated, more scientifically accurate, and makes more sense regardless of what might be prevalent in the hobby.

We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. I certainly get where you are coming from though.

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