Breeding burm info request

Surprising no really info on breeding burmese pythons. Can someone tell me how they successfully breed burms. My males 10ft female 12’ so there ready. What i get is temperature drop to 75 at night. But do you raise it back up through the day. Any tips will help. Never did burms.

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They’re pretty much domesticated they don’t need a lot of triggers. Just stop feeding for 5-6 weeks and then feed small meals more frequently and they should cycle for you.


Do you drop temps? And for how long?

You shouldn’t need to, but you can. Just turn off the heat at night and let it get down to the mid 70s once you’ve introduced the male. It shouldn’t take much. You might need to wait until the days are a little shorter if you don’t see any action.


Ok now we are getting somewhere. Ok lower to 75-77 degrees. Do you turn heat back up 88-90 hot spot during the day. How many weeks. I know what ovalation is can stop nighttime drop then? Or before?

Should be able to return to normal regimen before ovulation. If you see them copulate a few times, that should be sufficient. If you haven’t been keeping the male a little cooler I would do that too. Heat and fertility aren’t friends when it comes to males.

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Been gone for awhile. Guys drop temp to around 80 degrees for 6-8 week then bring slowly back to normal temp. Usually start slow cool down over 3 weeks. My cool side will run 75 degrees. During cooling. If ovalation or after several good lock start raising temps back up. I run a 120 watt kane 3x2 kane heat matt with a 120 watt reptile basics heat panel. Was told when about to lay eggs. To shut off heat panel do to been known to cook the eggs. If anybody would like to add to this or feels something is wrong please reply this is information ive collected from hours of internet searching. Thanks for the replies.