Hi guys!
Im breeding mainly black nights, captivated by their color.
My projects for this year is
- pure black night
- black night tangerine
I have recently got a super snow black night, as you can see its a baby and i am not sure how i should breed this morph in the future, i am not sure if this baby has het eclipse, any recommendations?
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So the Black Night influence in that baby is very strong. Gorgeous baby.
Super Snow naturally has a solid black eye. This has nothing to do with the Eclipse gene. You can probably contact the breeder and ask if there were eclipse gene geckos bred into this line… But probably not. Eclipse Super snows get white markings on the face and legs…so what you don’t want in a black leopard gecko.
You will want to breed this baby to the darkest black night gecko you currently own. Black Night is a line bred/polymorphic trait. So you will get a mish mash of snow babies with varying levels of color. You don’t want to mix a random snow into things for more super snows because they can be lower quality and have more yellow influence.
Any time you breed to something that is not from the Black Night line you are creating a cross… Which typically can be genetically weaker for the darker colors. You need to keep working to use the darkest geckos to the darkest geckos. Otherwise you just end up with dull looking and sub par examples of what people are looking for in these lines.