Breeding how to

Thank you for the post! Do you have any about the steps before this? About things like what temps you set your snakes at before you put them together, ways to tell if their gravid ect. or any posts you can link me to? Thanks!

I separated this from the egg box setup since it is a whole different subject, I do not have a write up on my specific method, there are many ways to go about breeding and this ( is what I usually recommend to first timers and after that I encourage them to experiment and find what works for them and their animals.


Great thank you! and as far as seasons go, Ive read that they can lay year round, do you have to drop temps in October and start there? Or as long as you follow the steps can it be anytime?

You don’t have to drop temps nor do you have to use seasons, I breed year round as my animals are ready.

The most important is to pay attention to the weather and low pressure.


And when you mean temperature you mean like outdoor temperature? Sorry just learning and want to get it right. And low pressure?

What would you see if you don’t have the right temperature or pressure?

Hi and welcome.
I believe they mean the viv or tub temperature.
Mine also still mate once they are into the swing of things without dropping the temperature or low air pressure.
I do personally believe low air pressure can help a lot though, but simulating rain by spraying and raising the humidity does a lot too.
If you are interested in current air pressure this helps. use the slider to see whats coming and you can move the map to your location

If you have alot of differnt questions you might be better off starting your own discussion thread, this one is old