Breeding project

Hey all,

Was hoping to get some honest feedback on the below.
I’m really interested in having a go at a small breeding project. Nothing big and Not for profit. My concern would be not being able to sell the offspring, the market is clearly saturated but not having done it myself before was hoping for some feedback on your own experiences?

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I’m in the uk

Well I think the best approach is to just anticipate that you will hang onto offspring before they find a home. When I was breeding consistently I would have grow out space for for holdbacks and any that wouldn’t sell right away. Just so I wouldn’t be overwhelmed with trying to sell my animals which is what happend my first year of breeding.


Thanks Nathan. I appreciate you taking time to reply :+1:t2:


I would strongly advocate reaching out to Gavin at balls2u and talking with him. He is a great guy and would be able to talk you through all the potential pitfalls of trying to sell and where you might be able to find viable outlets (like perhaps small pet shops or wholesalers or the like)


Thanks so much! I’ll get in touch with gavin :+1:t2:

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