So far I’m looking to make a tripple recessive gene snake (albino, lavender, axanthic) this could be done by pairing a coral and a snow and breeding their babies. I was wondering if anyone’s produced one or if this project will make a worlds first? Secondly I’d like to team up with someone so we can each pair a coral and a snow and breed the babies we produce as to avoid inbreeding as much as possible. The clutch of the paired snakes would be distributed as evenly as possible.
Welcome, sounds like you have quite the project in mind! Seems that Bavarian-Hognose has possibly already produced a Lavender Albino Axanthic Conda, so I’m not sure it’d be a world’s first as someone else might’ve already produced one sans the conda gene, but I also am not as knowledgable about hog morphs/their history. As for teaming up, you may have a hard time with finding someone in that aspect. Most breeders don’t do projects with people they don’t know personally.