Breeding year round questions

I was planning to breed around October like I see most people try to start their seasons at- but one of my girl’s has been displaying “breeding” signs since January (as far as I’ve seen subtle signs go). Cold side only for the past 3 months (she’s just starting to go back on her heating pad), and hasn’t ate since about 3 weeks into being on her cool side. I was wondering if you absolutely have to drop temps down and warm back up, or anything specific like that to breed? Or is it really as simple as having two snakes in the same tub a couple days a week hoping they lock?

Looking for opinions on this! None of my other snakes have shown signs like this, despite the natural cool/warm up i normally have during winter. Could it just be individual cycles, or is she just being a brat?

Thank you guys for all the help on previous posts! I’m excited to get started soon!

I don’t ever cycle my temps. I breed year round if a female is ready she will give you cues. If you try to breed all your females at the same time you won’t get eggs from all of them. Each individual female will be ready to breed at different times. Usually they are pretty close together but I have females that lay in December and January. Every female is different!


I’ll give it a shot then! Worst thing that’ll happen is she just doesn’t produce for me, which isn’t a problem! Are there any signs that males tend to have?

Also one more question- is it okay to introduce them when the female is shedding? Or is it better to just wait?

I would wait personally.


Thank you!

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Males will pretty much breed whenever lol


Lmao that’s good to know

No problem! And good luck!

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Thank so much! Definitely not the pairing I had planned as my first clutches lmao

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I tried this but despite first locks starting varying over 6 months, my 6 females are only 1 to 3 months apart in breeding cycle.

As for my question, what about Males? If they can smell breeding pheromones all year round how will they eat enough?

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