Hello! Long-time reptile keeper, but first time I’ve posted on this forum. I have an awesome red Bull Snake that is (supposedly) 100% het albino as well. I was wondering if anyone had any idea if he was bred to a red albino female what the chances of the various hatchlings coming out as red or normal albinos? Thanks for your time!
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I’m 99% sure that I would be a simple recessive meaning that a het to a visual would get you 50% visual albinos, but I’m not sure if there is any line bred thing going on with the red. Even if it is, you could get quite a few red and red albinos.
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Thanks very much for your reply! It sounds like it would definitely be worth at least trying out.
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If you enjoy the species, I would definitely say go for it
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I could be mistaken (I do not work with bulls) but I believe there are a few different, non-compatible albino types in the species. If that is correct, then you would end up with hets poss double het
What @t_h_wyman says is also an option
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