Burm not eating help

Not sure where to put this so feel free to move it!
Anyway, so I didn’t think I’d need to ask advice but seems I do!
We rescued a 2 year old (around that) Albino Burmese a month ago. (Unsure of sex, will sex when we can but not a priority atm)
Basically not eaten in over a year, very small for age and very skinny. Also had mites.
The other half the day before we took it managed to get a pinkie down it, had to assist feed.
That was just over a month ago now.
We’ve tried feeing since (not assisting as hoping would take on its own) and he/she is hissing and hiding.
We’ve had fussing yearling royals in the past who didn’t eat for 2 1/2+ months and were very small but we managed to sort them.
Seems this little guy is having none of it! We don’t want to force feed as I know that they may not want to eat at all then but I’m wondering if only way atm…? We have a Royal so we are used to snakes and their habits of not eating etc. Used to have 12 of them.
But the condition this one is in is awful. Very friendly Snake though, and nosey! :sweat_smile:
Any help from Burmese owners or other snake owner would be appreciated as I worry a lot myself! And when first seeing this guy, we knew we had to help it. (Already has a home lined up when he/she is eating alone and gaining weight!)


Could you post a picture so I can get an idea of the size and body condition?

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How sure are you of it’s age? It’s obviously small for a 2yo Burm but his body condition isn’t as bad as I’d expect(loose skin, noticeable ribs) it to be for not eating for 1yr.

What have you tried offering? I would try leaving a live rat pup in for a day, can’t harm him. If that doesn’t work try a live mouse while you observe, can harm him. I’ve had alot of success going the live mouse route for picky/off feeders of various species to jump start their desire to eat. Once he’s taken a few w/o issue it’s usually easy enough to switch a Burm back to rats. Goodluck keep us posted.

She’s ‘around 2’. And not eaten for just over a year.
Basically owner brought it to a shop and that was that.
She/he does have some lose skin, and can see from underneath she/he is skinny. But not yet hollow thankfully!
We’ve just got out and defrosting a multi to try later.
I’m in the uk so not really allowed to feed live here, and ideally don’t want to if we can help it! :confused:

Understood. The pics are difficult to gage loose skin etc. I forgot about UK law on feeding live but I feel this case would fall under the “only if needed as last resort for preservation of life clause”. Should only take a couple to get him back on track. I worry that a f/t will be difficult for still a young animal(feeding wise) on such a long-term hunger strike.


If feeding live is in the better interest of the animal you can feed live. I know the law says something similar to this and I’m pretty sure this would be allowed. So if you decide you want to feed live then you would be able to.

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Yeah true,
We do know of a breeder if needs be actually, we used to have royals from him.
It’s a very little one! The other half managed to get one from work to try, if not my Banana will eat it anyway the pig.
Just hoping to get it eating soon. I worry too much when it domes to them like this! Poor thing :pensive:

Have you tried quail/quail chicks?

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I know nothing about getting a burn to eat, but I have a nice carpet python that the breeder assist fed for 6 months before she would eat quail and then finally pinkys. She eats well for me, just opens her mouth and takes the frozen thawed rat.
Anyway my point is that assist feeding long term can work. My girl is very tame/ well socialized. She is afraid of live prey or frozen if it is moved too much but is happy to take unmoving prey off of the tongs.

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Little update, didn’t want to force her/him to eat, but last night I told the other half to do it as refused again, and I was starting to worry a lot now seeing as been with us for around 3 months and nothing. But We had redone her/his tub too the day before and was the most active we’d seen her/him! Such a happy Snake! Loves to climb :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
So last night he actually listened and we assist fed and she/he ate it! So I’m a very happy woman :sweat_smile:
Will see next week if takes alone or we assist again. If we assist then that’s fine, will try the following week to see it takes on her/his own!