Burmese Taming

I recently purchased a burmese python that is about 1.5yo. He wasnt socialized growing up and im no expert with burms. I was looking for some tips for socializing/taming this rascal. He doesnt strike only hisses a bunch (Which i hear is typical of burms). Any advice is much appreciated.

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Hi @slither_shack

Taming is pretty easy when it comes to snakes. Burms tend to be very vocal but not as much being bitters. I obviously advocate the use of a snake hook for tap training. If he’s big enough I would recommend having a roll of paper towel nearby, that you can touch the snake with that also. I will say, you need to handle, even if he bites you don’t immediately put him back in his enclosure. This will enforce the biting you makes you go away (something that you don’t want a 12 foot animal reacting to). I would recommend that you house him in a PVC enclosure so that the sides are blocked out. And make sure they have enough hides and cover inside the enclosure to make him comfortable. Defensiveness is linked to not feeling secure. Also remember that with size comes confidence, this works with baby Burms. I hope that this helps.

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