Cali king incubation tips?

Hey! I’m about to have my female California Kingsnake lay in a couple of weeks. I’ve never Incubated eggs before, so this will be my first time. Does anyone have any experience or tips for incubating cali king eggs? Like maybe the ideal temp and humidity? thanks in advance!

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I like this guide. Sounds pretty much like my corns. Upper 70s to mid 80s Fahrenheit for 60-70 days.

Maybe you can read it until a Cali expert chimes in. :slight_smile:


Ok, Thank you! I’ll read it

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Your female will lay between 3 and 10 days after she sheds so make sure that by the time she sheds you either have a spot picked out or the incubator ready. I incubate at 80° in an incubator.

They will hatch with temperatures anywhere between 76 and 84. Staying on the higher side of those numbers will cause them to hatch a little sooner and possibly be not quite as developed. 80° will have them hatching in about 55 to 60 days and is in my opinion the optimal temperature.

I use snap top plastic tubs with a piece of light diffuser panel cut to fit in the tub. For substrate under the light diffuser I use 5-6 paper towels. I went the paper towels, but I make sure there’s no water sloshing around in the tub. You can also use perlite with a one-to-one mixture with water. The eggs will absorb moisture and swell quite a bit during incubation, this is normal.

If she lays the eggs and they’re all stuck together, you do not need to separate them unless you want to. You might want to remove the water bowl and just put it back in for a half hour or so a couple times a day, so that she can take a drink every day. If you leave it in there. She may lay eggs in it and they’ll be no good.


Alright! that’s really helpful. I’ll use this a lot for reference. Thank you!
I’ll try to post again when they hatch