Can anyone tell me his morph?

This is a rescue, so please no judgement! Before anyone says anything about a vet, he has been seeing one, when I first got him (his name is Leo) it was from a distant friend, his eyes were completely matted shut from much shedding, he had MBD and was terrified of everyone. (A little back story) I am completely terrified of reptiles, I’ve never held one, and run away from them, but he was so neglected that I couldn’t leave him. I researched Leopard Geckos and learned all I could while finding a vet, I have had him for 4 months now. His eyes are completely open and he is now getting his multivitamin and calcium like he is suppose to. It had been a struggle but now Leo is my baby. I worry more for him than my own children :woman_facepalming:t2: (jk)
So his eyes are being cared for with antibiotics from the vet. Because he doesn’t like the light and doesn’t have any black spots I began to wonder if he was an albino. Can anyone help me with his morph?


Awwwww! Poor lil guy! God bless you for removing him from a terrible situation and getting him the vet help he so desperately needed!

He looks a bit like my girl. She is a Murphy’s Patternless.

Edit to add: he’s a cutie for sure! :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:


He looks like a super hypo. But he’s adorable regardless of morph :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for rescuing this little guy :heart:


Big agree on Super Hypo. And yes, albino!
Can’t say which strain tho as they all look too similar to ID.

Thank you for taking in this little guy and working with him! It’s awesome that you were able to step up to your fears because of a little guy in need. Leo’s are great little starter guys too.

Part of the reason they can also shy away from lights is that they are a more nocturnal species as well. But the albino will definitely up the avoidance factor there.
He also has a regrown tail, so part of his shyness could also be from mishandling or having been house with a more aggressive Leo. Males will fight if kept together, but sometimes you can get an aggressive female as well.


I’ve been keeping up with his weight and his length, trying to determine his age. He was 14 cm long (without the tail) and weighed 59grams, I believe he is close to almost a year old if what I’ve read is to be correct.
Yes on the tail regrowth! (Honesty took me forever to figure out why his tail was smooth and I didn’t want to ask the vet, I didn’t want to look dumb. :woman_facepalming:t2:) unsure of when he just the tail tho. It hasn’t been since I’ve had him.
I honestly only wanted to know about his morph to determine if he was an albino and figure out if there care is different from a normal leopard gecko. I just want to make sure I am giving him the best care that I can! I feel like an over protective mom :joy:


Never be afraid to ask questions here or at your vet’s clinic! Neither will judge you! :blush:


The only thing I notice more with albinos vs other morphs of leopard gecko is they seem to be more prone to having vitamin deficiencies that can affect the way the eyes shed or can make some crusty gunk buildup in there. Any leopard gecko can get this problem if they don’t have access to a multivitamin along with calcium. I just have personally seen it happen more with albinos.
Leos are usually really good about getting the right vitamins on their own. I always leave little dishes of powder there for them to lick at if they want between feedings.


What a fortunate little fellow to have touched your heart and gotten into your good care! Bless you for doing so much for a creature who clearly needed help desperately. :pray: He looks like a sweetie pie.

We are glad you are here. This is a warm and welcoming community full of folks who care about animals and also about the people who care about animals. We’re much more about support, here. Asking questions isn’t ever a problem here. I’m betting that your vet will tell you the same thing.