Center has filled in a bit since I took these pics.
Heres a not so glamorous look at my snake room. It is in the midst of being upgraded as i recently had a large influx of animals, and the caging takes time to build. Being a startup isnt always glorious. I have 16 3x2x2 pvc enclosures currently being made, as well as a 16 ARS rack ordered. Hopefully all of the totes will be pvc enclosures by mid october!
You’re just gonna drop pictures like that and not tell us about what is there? Please let us know.
Blackheaded pythons, and argentine boas are my 2 main species, but I have several other boas and pythons, as well as a few colubrids.
Blackheads are definitely a dream for sometime in the future. You have a beautiful reptile room. I am breeding high end Sterling combos in the near future, and hope to build my name is the boa game.
That’s a nice clean setup. digging it
I wanna bump this thread as I’m looking to redo a lot of our enclosures and setups. Some I’d like to go bio.
We are cool with building our own pvc enclosures, and have built one for our BCI.
It isn’t pretty by any means, but she’s happy.
Inspiration please!
What’s it for?
Lots of stuff growing up in my room, just need to have cages ready.
What species though? Is it any particular species, or just an all encompassing rack system?
I would say it is possibly for s/sd Retics judging of the picture.
Isopods… No big reptile setups here, just isopods.
Photo quality is terrible, but D. auratus grow out tank on the left, then isopods.
What kinds of tubs are those? Also, what size are they?
Nothing particular in mind, I have several blackheads, and BCC growing up.
@ rdurha1
I like your shelves:-
Awesome, Shelves in a vivs are such a good idea, I used to always incorporate shelves.
I only have tubs set up at the moment though.