Can someone explain highlighter genetics please?

I have seen geckos that have neon yellow whites. I occassionally see it referred to as highlighter on morphmarket. It’s easiest to find when i search phantom lilly whites on MM, but when i walk shows in person I have also seen tailless geckos, usually with an olive coloration, with WP that I dont immediately peg as LW (could have been snowflake) but still have that highlighter look. I havent lifted the cups to check their bellies or really disturb them since i was just browsing.

Is highlighter its own thing? Is it a LW subset? I love the look, but I’m not going to get a gecko if I dont understand the genetics.


I believe it just refers to lily whites with a yellow pinstripes instead of the normal looking ones.


Highlighter typically refers to LWs that have neon yellow LW pattern instead of the usual white/cream/light yellow. It is not 100% known what causes it, some hypothesise that it’s tangerine, but it might just be certain lines of LW. The white in lavenders sometimes turn similarly neon yellow as they age, again afaik it isn’t known exactly why atm😊


I thought this was a lilly white trait also. But I haven’t done much research into it

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