Can someone tell me what morph this leapord gecko is?

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Looks like an albino, but it’s not possible to tell what strain via appearance alone- you have to rely on the word of the animal’s breeder/seller.

Its coloration is so intense I wonder if it might be an albino lemon frost. That morph (Lemon Frost) causes cancer of the pigmentation cells. I’d be interested, from a solely scientific viewpoint, to know how the cancer is affected by albinism and/or mack snow and/or TUG/Gem/selectively bred snow. Ethically I’m not sure where I stand on running an experiment like that. Hopefully that gecko is not a Lemon Frost and is just a very high end sunglow/hybino.


The guy only wants 20$ lol so that’s why I really confused on what it may be. He has no idea what it is… Which could be a good thing for me

He said he got it from petsmart :thinking:

Some sort of albino, also looks hypo too! I don’t think it’s a lemon frost personally, I can’t see the eyes really that well, but they’re eyes are stunning. They’re bellies are also oddly pigmented instead of plain pale, they have more pigment cells along their tummy sides. :slight_smile:

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When purchasing from craigslist/sellers without an established good reputation, it might be a good idea to mentally add in the cost of a vet visit/fecal/etc., when considering the total initial cost. I have a lot of leos (for a companion animal hobbyist), and the most problematic geckos of mine came from craigslist, so I am admittedly biased. Often, you get what you pay for, though there are definitely exceptions.

The gecko is very pretty and a great find, but he shouldn’t be bred if you don’t know his genetic background. (Unless you intend to keep the babies yourself or to rehome as pets.) When breeding, bloodlines and genetic traits are very important to know, so there is generally not a demand for leos with unknown backgrounds among other breeders. However, any leo makes for an adorable pet, fancy or not, :relaxed:

If he came from Petsmart, then he came from a large-scale commercial breeder, and could be carrying genes for almost anything. Keep us updated if you do go for it- he’s a really cute gecko!


I decided to pick him up… Figured for 20$ definitely looks worth it… Usually would rather buy from a breeder though… Heres some more pics I took if it helps identify what it could be


Definitely a male hypo, banded albino. Looks like he’s just starting to get a little too slender and needs a little TLC.

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Hypo banded albinos also have no pattern on their heads? I couldn’t find any like mine online… And I thought he was a bit slender too… The guy said it’s about 8 months old… It’s been quite along time since I’ve owned these… I used to feed them crickets and mealworms… I’m learning about dubia roaches now. Can I feed them a diet of just dubia roaches? And would I need to put minerals and calcium on top of them as well? Or just feeding the roaches properly is enough nutrients for them?

@mblaney would you like to give a full rundown of care and food for them? I could try if you don’t want to.

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No to just dubia. Yes to calcium. As for what it is it’s an albino hypo. What strain of albino if I had to guess tremper as it’s most common.

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Bear with me guys- I hurt my back so now I’m all goofy from pain meds. :crazy_face:

From what I could see, he seemed to have a pattern on his head, he just is an albino, so the pattern presents differently. A ‘baldy’ is a gecko with absolutely zero head pattern. The ‘hypo’ part just means that he has reduced (but still present) spotting. The ‘banded’ part means that his body pattern is banded.

I’m not up to describing the entirety of leo care, but I do know if some handy links. Make sure you read them carefully, and get additional input from other reputable sources online, as it sounds like you may need a major refresher.

Melissa Kaplan’s guide

A caresheet from a exotics vet that I know

I have an old website I haven’t taken down yet, but I’ll have to review my recommendations again before I direct anyone there, heh.

If you feed dubia, the most important thing to know is to feed the dubia a LOW protein diet, both prior to being eaten and just while housing. I personally think they have too much chitin to make a sole diet item. I’m a fan of silkworms. What you supplement with will vary based on prey item.


Hi! I just got a new leopard gecko the other day. He’s still young, a few months or so, but I was wondering if anyone may know what morph he is. I can get better pictures if needed.

The only way to know for sure is to be told by a reputable breeder. It looks like it could be a ‘banana blizzard,’ blizzard, or patternless. He looks a bit skinny and dehydrated in the photos as well.

From looking at other baby leos, he seems to be a tremper patternless. And yeah he definitely is, I have fluker’s repta-boost that i’ve started him on. It seems to work well for my females after laying. Thanks for the help!

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It’s a patternless. Where or not it’s a Tremper or some other form of albino without the breeder telling you it’s next to impossible to figure out without test breeding.

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Hey! So I have been giving him 1cc of the reptaboost twice a day. He is much more active and has been eating small crickets :slight_smile: and thank you @azoreptiles

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to post a little update on Kratos. He’s gained 3 grams and he’s SO ACTIVE! My two females are never out before 8pm, while he’ll be out at 6am!


It’s so beautiful, just look at those bright yellows

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Kratos now at 35 grams​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes: