Canadian looking for recommendations

Thank you every one for your information and help on this topic . When I pick up the new addition I’ll post some pictures thanks again every one


Really glad you got what you were after. Definitely keep us updated when you get her home and settled :+1:

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Won’t be till February it’s my bday gift so I must wait even though I’m paying for it lol. I thought being an adult would put a stop to waiting on gifts guess not


No, no, no, there is a international code of conduct to follow when it comes to gift giving and gift receiving. When you buy gifts for yourself, you have to follow both sets of rules :joy:

Time will fly, so make sure your prepared.


Haha yeah you and me both

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That’s awesome!! Wish I had more room for retics they are amazing animals.


Beautiful snakes I can’t wait to get mine

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Absolutely beautiful snake Shaun :+1:

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Thank you!! The female can be a hand full! The male is like a ball python. Hopefully 2021 will be the year I produce some retics!

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I double dare you :grin:

No need to double dare! I’m trying to find my trip to the Stamford bridge!! Lol

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Looking at this thread I’m actually seriously considering getting a retic. I’m especially interested in the 50% super dwarfs that NERD is offering. Since you own a retic would you say that would be manageable for a newcomer to retics like me? NERD said that the dad was 5.5 feet and the mom was 7.5

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It should be stated that many dwarf and super dwarves and crosses thereof possess a significantly more difficult temperament than mainland animals do. 7.5 ft of angry snake is still a lot of angry snake. These animals might not be huge, but they command a huge amount of respect and belong in the hands of the experienced. I’m not saying don’t get one, I’m just saying, be ready and know what to expect.

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I have a pair. And there’s a big difference in personality between my male and female. My female is the bigger of the two. Though she’s not an aggressive snake she is very prey focused. She comes out swinging lol. I hook trained both of them but like @westridge stated even a 8 or 9 foot super dwarf is a powerfull snake. You always have to respect them. My male is under 6 foot and has a temperament more like a ball python. I don’t feel like they are hard snakes to deal with just different. I raised both mine from hatchlings so by the time they got some size to them I was familiar with there temperament and mannerisms. They are for sure way different snake than a ball python. I started out with blood pythons back in 2002. They were wild caught had terrible attitudes and were pretty sizeable snakes. I think my retics are way easier to deal with than them. But I think starting with blood pythons gave me a good feel for moody snakes lol. Just be honest with yourself on what you think your ready for. I wouldn’t get retics even dwarfs or super dwarves on a impulse. For sure think it out before you make your decision!


Yes of course. Its wouldn’t be a impulse buy at all and I think I’d be prepared to handle them. I’ve kept boas that are 7 plus foot so I think I’d do well. But yeah I’m definitely gonna do my research before I go out and buy one

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Go for it! Just keep in mind 50% super dwarfs can still end up around 12 foot or more. The males tend to stay way smaller. Hopefully in 2021 I will produce some 56.25 sd 6.25 dwarf platinum anery super tigers! Can’t wait!

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March 11 my retic arrives

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Definitely update us!

@murphy18 yay another Ontario resident so now I dont feel as alone.

Nice , what part are you from?