Cannot import new animals

To report a bug please complete the following form in as much detail as possible.

About the bug

I get this error when attempting to import new animals under the text box import:

Summary of the issue:

I’ve tried testing many options including importing the row from the example spreadsheet, and I cannot get a new animal to import. I have previously used import regularly without issue.

Expected results:

Actual results:

Links to pages the bug is affecting:

When did you first notice it?:


Steps to reproduce the problem?:

I pulled the example row from the template sheet and it will not import. I also tested many other options and nothing seems to work and it all provides the same error.

Is this happening on the website, app or both?:


If its happening on the app, please tell us what version number you have installed:

Additional notes:

About your device

Device brand:

Device model:

Browser name:

Chrome desktop

Browser version:


Please add as many screenshots as possible that could help explain what you are experiencing.

@creaturefreptiles thank you for bringing this issue to the forums. For a fast response from the Support team that handles issues like this, shoot them an email at and let them know the issue, and include the screenshot of the error message you receive. You should hear back from them within 24 hours, if not sooner. :slight_smile:

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Import works today. Not sure what was going on yesterday. I tried the same values this morning and it works now!

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