To report a bug please complete the following form in as much detail as possible.
About the bug
I get this error when attempting to import new animals under the text box import:
Summary of the issue:
I’ve tried testing many options including importing the row from the example spreadsheet, and I cannot get a new animal to import. I have previously used import regularly without issue.
Expected results:
Actual results:
Links to pages the bug is affecting:
When did you first notice it?:
Steps to reproduce the problem?:
I pulled the example row from the template sheet and it will not import. I also tested many other options and nothing seems to work and it all provides the same error.
Is this happening on the website, app or both?:
If its happening on the app, please tell us what version number you have installed:
Additional notes:
About your device
Device brand:
Device model:
Browser name:
Chrome desktop